184.1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise: 1. “Assessment” means an excise tax on the sale of eggs as provided in this chapter. 2. “Council” means the Iowa egg council. 3. “Egg product” means a product produced in whole or in part from eggs or spent fowl. 4. “Eggs” means […]
184.10 Powers of council. The council may perform any function that it deems necessary to carry out its purposes and duties as provided in this chapter, including but not limited to doing any of the following: 1. Employ and discharge assistants and professional counsel as necessary, prescribe their duties and powers and fix their compensation. […]
184.11 Prohibited actions. The Iowa egg council shall not do any of the following: 1. Execute a contract or act as an agent of a person who executes a contract for any of the following: a. Selling eggs or egg products. b. Selling equipment used in the manufacturing of egg products. 2. a. Make any […]
184.12 Compensation. Members of the council may receive payment for their actual expenses and travel in performing official council functions. A voting member of the council shall not be a salaried employee of the council or any organization or agency receiving moneys from the council. [C75, 77, 79, 81, §196A.14] 95 Acts, ch 7, §13; […]
184.13 Administration of moneys. Subject to the provisions of section 184.3, the assessment imposed by this chapter shall be remitted by the purchaser to the council not later than thirty days following each calendar quarter during which the assessment was collected. Amounts collected from the assessment shall be deposited in the office of the treasurer […]
184.14 Use of moneys — appropriation — audit. 1. All moneys deposited in the Iowa egg fund and transferred to the council as provided in section 184.13 are appropriated and shall be used for the administration of this chapter and for the payment of claims based upon obligations incurred in the performance of activities and […]
184.15 Bond required. The council shall provide a bond for all persons holding positions of trust under this chapter. [C75, 77, 79, 81, §196A.21] 94 Acts, ch 1146, §42; 98 Acts, ch 1032, §11; 98 Acts, ch 1038, §13 C99, §184.15 99 Acts, ch 109, §7, 8
184.16 Examination of records. Persons subject to the provisions of this chapter shall furnish on forms provided by the council any information needed to enable the council to effectuate the policies of this chapter. For the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of any report made to the council under the provisions of this chapter, the […]
184.17 Penalty. Any person who willfully violates any provision of this chapter, willfully gives a false report, statement, or record required by the council, or willfully fails to furnish or render any report, statement or record required by the secretary shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor. [C75, 77, 79, 81, §196A.23] 98 Acts, ch […]
184.18 Purchasers outside Iowa. The secretary may enter into arrangements with purchasers from outside Iowa for payment of the assessment. [C75, 77, 79, 81, §196A.24] 95 Acts, ch 7, §17; 98 Acts, ch 1032, §11; 98 Acts, ch 1038, §13 C99, §184.18
184.19 Not a state agency. The Iowa egg council is not an agency of state government. 93 Acts, ch 102, §3 CS93, §196A.14A CS95, §196A.26 98 Acts, ch 1032, §11; 98 Acts, ch 1038, §13 C99, §184.19
184.2 Establishment of Iowa egg council and assessment. 1. The secretary shall call and the department shall conduct a referendum upon the department’s receipt of a petition which is signed by at least twenty producers requesting a referendum to determine whether to establish an Iowa egg council and to impose an assessment as provided in […]
184.3 Assessment. 1. a. Except as provided in paragraph “b”, an assessment of two and one-half cents is imposed on each thirty dozen eggs produced in this state. The assessment shall be imposed on a producer at the time of delivery to a purchaser who shall deduct the assessment from the price paid to a […]
184.4 Invoice required. 1. At the time of sale, the purchaser shall sign and deliver to the producer separate invoices for each purchase. The invoices shall show: a. The name and address of the producer and the seller, if different from the producer. b. The name and address of the purchaser. c. The quantity of […]
184.5 Referendums conducted to abolish the council and terminate imposition of the assessment. 1. A referendum may be called to abolish the council and terminate the imposition of the assessment. The secretary shall call, and the department shall conduct, the referendum upon the department’s receipt of a petition requesting the referendum. The petition must be […]
184.6 Composition of council. The Iowa egg council established under this chapter shall be composed of seven members. Each member must be a natural person who is a resident of this state and a producer or an officer, equity owner, or employee of a producer. A producer shall not be represented by more than two […]
184.7 Terms and administration procedures. 1. A person shall serve as a member on the council for a term of three years. A person may serve as a member on the council for more than one term. 2. The council shall elect a chairperson, and other officers as needed, from among its voting members. 3. […]
184.8 Election and appointment procedures. 1. The council shall appoint a committee to nominate candidates to stand for election to the council. The council may require that the committee nominate candidates to be appointed by the council to fill a vacancy in a position for the unexpired term of a member. 2. The council shall […]
184.9 Duties of the council — marketing. The council shall develop new and expand existing markets for eggs and egg products, and may provide for any of the following: 1. Increasing the utilization of eggs or egg products. 2. Increasing the awareness of the health benefits associated with the consumption of eggs or egg products. […]
184.9A Duties of the council — research. The council shall participate in research programs or projects, including by conducting or financing such programs or projects, relating to any of the following: 1. Increasing the utilization of eggs or egg products. 2. Improving the production or processing of eggs or egg products. 3. Preventing, modifying, or […]