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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title V - AGRICULTURE » Chapter 186 - IOWA STATE HORTICULTURE SOCIETY

Section 186.1 – Meetings and organization of society.

186.1 Meetings and organization of society. The Iowa state horticulture society shall hold meetings each year, at times as it may fix, for the transaction of business. The officers and board of directors of the society shall be chosen as provided for in the constitution of the society, for the period and in the manner […]

Section 186.2 – Horticultural exposition.

186.2 Horticultural exposition. The society is authorized to hold, at such time and in such place in Iowa as it may select, a horticultural exposition, including honey products and manufactured plant products, with practical and scientific demonstrations of approved methods of crop production, grading, packing, marketing, and establishment of standard market grades pertaining to horticulture. […]

Section 186.3 – Affiliation with allied societies.

186.3 Affiliation with allied societies. The society shall encourage the affiliation with itself of societies organized for the purpose of furthering the horticultural, honey bee, or forestry interests of the state. [C73, §1118; C97, §1670; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §2965; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §186.3]

Section 186.4 – Annual report.

186.4 Annual report. The secretary shall make an annual report to the department of agriculture and land stewardship at such time as the department may require. Such report shall contain the proceedings of the society, an account of the exposition, a summarized statement of the expenditures for the year, the general condition of horticultural, honey […]

Section 186.5 – Appropriations.

186.5 Appropriations. All money appropriated by the state for the use of the Iowa state horticulture society shall be paid on the warrant of the director of the department of administrative services, upon the order of the president and secretary of said society, in such sums and at such times as may be for the […]