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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title V - AGRICULTURE » Chapter 190 - ADULTERATION OF FOODS

Section 190.1 – Definitions and standards.

190.1 Definitions and standards. For the purpose of this subtitle, except chapters 192, 203, 203C, 203D, 207, and 208, the following definitions and standards of food are established: 1. Butter. Butter is the clean, nonrancid product made by gathering in any manner the fat of fresh or ripened milk or cream into a mass, with […]

Section 190.10 – Sale by false name.

190.10 Sale by false name. No person shall offer or expose for sale, sell, or deliver any article of food which is defined in this chapter under any other name than the one herein specified or offer or expose for sale, sell, or deliver any article of food which is not defined in this chapter […]

Section 190.11 – Artificial sweetening — labeling.

190.11 Artificial sweetening — labeling. Where any approved artificial sweetening product such as saccharin or sulfamate is used by any person in the manufacture or sale of any article of food intended for human consumption, the container in which any such food or beverage is sold or offered for sale to the public shall be […]

Section 190.12 – Standards for frozen desserts.

190.12 Standards for frozen desserts. 1. Frozen desserts and the pasteurized dairy ingredients used in the manufacture thereof, shall comply with the following standards: ____________________________________________________________ Milk, cream, and fluid Temperature Storage at dairy ingredient 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Bacterial limit 50,000 per milliliter Coliform limit 10 per milliliter ____________________________________________________________ Frozen dessert mixes, Temperature Storage at frozen […]

Section 190.13 – Frozen desserts — edible containers.

190.13 Frozen desserts — edible containers. Notwithstanding any other labeling provision of the Code, frozen dessert of any kind or flavor may be dispensed and sold at retail in edible containers or as a part of any food preparation intended for consumption without further preparation, including but not limited to the preparations commonly termed milk […]

Section 190.14 – Administration — milk and dairy products.

190.14 Administration — milk and dairy products. 1. The department shall administer this chapter consistent with the provisions of the “Grade ‘A’ Pasteurized Milk Ordinance”, as provided in section 192.102. 2. The department, as provided in section 192.108, may contract with a person qualified by the department to perform inspection of dairy farms, milk plants, […]

Section 190.15 – Violations — injunction.

190.15 Violations — injunction. The department may restrain a person violating this chapter or a rule adopted by the department under this chapter by petitioning the district court where the violation occurs for injunctive relief. Each day that a violation continues constitutes a separate violation. 91 Acts, ch 74, §7

Section 190.2 – Additional standards — milk and dairy products.

190.2 Additional standards — milk and dairy products. 1. The department may establish and publish standards for foods when such standards are not fixed by law. The standards shall conform with standards for foods adopted by federal agencies including, but not limited to, the United States department of agriculture. 2. The department shall adopt rules […]

Section 190.3 – Food adulterations.

190.3 Food adulterations. 1. For the purposes of this chapter, any food shall be deemed to be adulterated: a. If any substance has been mixed or packed with it so as to reduce or injuriously affect its quality. b. If any substance has been substituted to any extent. c. If any valuable constituent has been […]

Section 190.4 – Adulterations of dairy products.

190.4 Adulterations of dairy products. In addition to the adulterations enumerated in section 190.3, milk, cream, or skimmed milk shall be deemed to be adulterated: 1. If it contains visible dirt or is kept or placed at any time in an unclean container. 2. If obtained from a cow within fifteen days before or five […]

Section 190.5 – Adulterated milk or milk products.

190.5 Adulterated milk or milk products. Any milk or milk product shall further be deemed to be adulterated: 1. If it bears or contains any poisonous or deleterious substance in a quantity which may render it injurious to health. 2. If it bears or contains any added poisonous or deleterious substance for which no safe […]

Section 190.6 – Adulteration with fats and oils.

190.6 Adulteration with fats and oils. No milk, cream, skimmed milk, buttermilk, condensed or evaporated milk, powdered or desiccated milk, condensed skimmed milk, ice cream, or any fluid derivatives of any of them shall be made from or have added thereto any fat or oil other than milk fat, and no product so made or […]

Section 190.7 – Coloring imitation cheese.

190.7 Coloring imitation cheese. No imitation cheese shall be colored with any substance and no such imitation cheese shall be made by mixing animal fats, vegetable oils, or other substances for the purpose or with the effect of imparting to the mixture the color of yellow cheese. [C97, §2518; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §3063; […]

Section 190.8 – Coloring vinegar.

190.8 Coloring vinegar. Vinegar shall not be colored with coloring matter and distilled vinegar shall not have a brown color in imitation of cider vinegar. [SS15, §4999-a31; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §3064; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, §190.7; C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §190.8]

Section 190.9 – Adulteration of candies.

190.9 Adulteration of candies. In addition to the adulterations enumerated in section 190.3, candy shall be deemed to be adulterated if it contains terra alba, barytes, talc, paraffin, chrome yellow, or other mineral substance. [SS15, §4999-a31e; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §3065; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, §190.8; C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, […]