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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title V - AGRICULTURE » Chapter 192 - GRADE “A” MILK INSPECTION

Section 192.101 – Short title.

192.101 Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Iowa Grade ‘A’ Milk Inspection Law”. 91 Acts, ch 74, §11

Section 192.101A – Definitions.

192.101A Definitions. As used in this chapter, all terms shall have the same meaning as defined in the “Grade ‘A’ Pasteurized Milk Ordinance” as provided in section 192.102. However, notwithstanding the ordinance, the following definitions shall apply: 1. “Bulk milk tanker” means a mobile bulk container used to transport milk or fluid milk products from […]

Section 192.102 – Grade “A” pasteurized milk ordinance.

192.102 Grade “A” pasteurized milk ordinance. The department shall adopt rules incorporating or incorporating by reference the federal publication entitled “Grade ‘A’ Pasteurized Milk Ordinance”. If the ordinance specifies that compliance with a provision of the ordinance’s appendices is mandatory, the department shall also adopt that provision. The department shall not amend the ordinance, unless […]

Section 192.104 – Coloring rejected milk.

192.104 Coloring rejected milk. A milk hauler or a milk grader may mix a harmless coloring matter in rejected milk to prevent the rejected milk from being offered for sale. [C54, 58, 62, 66, §192.41; C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §192.64] CS91, §192.104 97 Acts, ch 94, §2

Section 192.107 – Milk or milk products permit.

192.107 Milk or milk products permit. 1. A person who does not possess a permit issued by the department shall not bring, send, or receive into the state for sale, or sell, offer for sale, or store any milk or milk product as provided in this chapter and in chapters 190 and 191. However, the […]

Section 192.108 – Administration of the chapter — inspections required.

192.108 Administration of the chapter — inspections required. The department shall administer this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter. The department is responsible for the inspection of a dairy farm, milk plant, transfer station, or receiving station to ensure compliance with this chapter and chapters 190 and 191. The department may enter into […]

Section 192.109 – Certification of grade “A” label.

192.109 Certification of grade “A” label. The department of agriculture and land stewardship shall annually survey and certify all milk labeled grade “A” pasteurized and grade “A” raw milk for pasteurization, and, in the event a survey shows the requirements for production, processing, and distribution for such grade are not being complied with, the fact […]

Section 192.110 – Rating required to receive or retain a permit.

192.110 Rating required to receive or retain a permit. A person shall not receive or retain a permit under section 192.107, unless both of the following conditions are satisfied: 1. The person has a pasteurized milk and milk products sanitation compliance rating of ninety percent or more as calculated according to the rating system as […]

Section 192.112 – Regulation — milk haulers, milk graders, and bulk milk tankers.

192.112 Regulation — milk haulers, milk graders, and bulk milk tankers. The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A which provide standards for milk haulers, milk graders, and bulk milk tankers. The standards shall include, but need not be limited to, all of the following: 1. The construction of bulk milk tankers. 2. The […]

Section 192.113 – Penalties.

192.113 Penalties. 1. a. A person shall not act as a milk hauler unless the person holds a milk hauler permit required pursuant to section 192.111. A person shall not solicit another person to act as a milk hauler or procure the services of a person to act as a milk hauler unless the person […]

Section 192.115 – Sanitary regulations.

192.115 Sanitary regulations. Every person who deals in or manufactures dairy products or imitations thereof shall maintain the person’s premises, utensils, wagons, and equipment in a clean and hygienic condition. [C97, §2522; S13, §2522; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §3078; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, §192.11; C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §192.34] CS91, […]

Section 192.116 – Bacteriologists.

192.116 Bacteriologists. The department of agriculture and land stewardship may employ dairy specialists or bacteriologists who shall devote their full time to the improvement of sanitation in the production, processing and marketing of dairy products. Said dairy specialists and bacteriologists shall have qualifications as to education and experience and such other requirements as the secretary […]

Section 192.117 – Duties.

192.117 Duties. Said dairy specialists and bacteriologists employed by the department shall cooperate with the dairy and food inspectors of the department and with the health departments of cities for sanitary control of the production, processing, and marketing of dairy products. The department shall provide adequate laboratory facilities for the efficient performance of their duties. […]

Section 192.118 – Certified laboratories.

192.118 Certified laboratories. 1. To ensure uniformity in the tests and reporting, an employee certified by the United States public health service of the bacteriological laboratory of the department shall annually certify, in accordance with rules adopted by the department incorporating or incorporating by reference the federal publication entitled “Evaluation of Milk Laboratories”, all laboratories […]

Section 192.121 – Container defined.

192.121 Container defined. As used in this chapter, “container” means a rigid or nonrigid receptacle, including but not limited to a can, bottle, case, paper carton, cask, keg, or barrel. [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §3094; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, §192.33; C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §192.56] CS91, §192.121 91 Acts, ch […]

Section 192.122 – Milk bottles to be marked.

192.122 Milk bottles to be marked. Bottles or jars used for the sale of milk shall have clearly blown or permanently marked in the side of the bottle, the capacity of the bottle, and on the bottom of the bottle the name, initials, or certification mark of the manufacturer. The designating number shall be furnished […]

Section 192.123 – Adoption of brand.

192.123 Adoption of brand. With the approval of the department any person who deals in or transports milk, cream, skimmed milk, buttermilk, or ice cream may adopt a distinctive mark or brand to be placed upon any container owned or used by the person, and the same may be registered with the department. [C24, 27, […]

Section 192.124 – Retention of marked container.

192.124 Retention of marked container. A person shall not, without the consent of the owner, retain for a longer period than three days a container bearing a registered mark, and any person receiving such a container shall immediately return it to the owner by a common carrier. A receipt from a common carrier is prima […]