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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title V - AGRICULTURE » Chapter 196 - EGG HANDLERS

Section 196.1 – Definitions.

196.1 Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Candling” means the careful examination of each shell egg and the elimination of those eggs determined unfit for human consumption. 2. “Consumer” means a person who buys eggs for personal consumption. 3. “Department” means the department of agriculture and land stewardship. 4. “Egg handler” or “handler” means […]

Section 196.10 – Labeling.

196.10 Labeling. Sections 189.9 through 189.12 shall apply to the labeling of packaged eggs which have been candled and graded if not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter. All cases of loose packed eggs sold in this state shall identify the egg handler’s name or license number or United States department of agriculture plant […]

Section 196.11 – Storage.

196.11 Storage. The provisions of section 189.28 shall not apply to eggs. [C58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, §196.19; C77, 79, 81, §196.11]

Section 196.12 – Transportation.

196.12 Transportation. Vehicles used to transport eggs from the point of production to an egg handler or between handlers shall be kept in sanitary condition and shall be enclosed. However, this section shall not apply to producers transporting their own eggs to a handler. [C58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, §196.20; C77, 79, 81, §196.12]

Section 196.13 – Records.

196.13 Records. Handlers shall keep a record for three years of each of their purchases and sales of eggs, including the date of the transaction, the names of the parties, the grade, or nest run, and the quantity of eggs being purchased or sold. [C77, 79, 81, §196.13]

Section 196.14 – Penalty.

196.14 Penalty. Any person who violates a provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor. In addition, if the offender is a handler or a retailer, the court for the third offense shall suspend the offender’s license for thirty days; for the fourth and any subsequent offense, such license shall be revoked […]

Section 196.2 – Enforcement.

196.2 Enforcement. The department shall enforce this chapter, and may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A and consistent with regulations of the United States government as they exist on July 1, 1985, pursuant to the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, 7 U.S.C. §1621 et seq., and the Egg Products Inspection Act of 1970, 21 U.S.C. […]

Section 196.3 – Egg handler’s license — fee and expiration.

196.3 Egg handler’s license — fee and expiration. 1. Every egg handler shall obtain a license issued by the department. The license fee shall be determined on the basis of the total number of eggs purchased or handled during the preceding month of April as follows: a. Less than one hundred twenty-five cases $40.40 b. […]

Section 196.4 – Producers and hatcheries exempt.

196.4 Producers and hatcheries exempt. 1. Producers who sell eggs produced exclusively by their own flocks directly to handlers, or to consumers, shall not be required to demonstrate to the department or the United States department of agriculture inspector their capability to perform candling and grading. 2. A hatchery shall obtain an egg handler’s license […]

Section 196.5 – Candling and grading capability.

196.5 Candling and grading capability. Each person who candles and grades eggs shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department or the United States department of agriculture inspector, the capability to perform candling and grading. [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §3109; C46, 50, 54, §196.9; C58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, §196.7, 196.8; C77, 79, […]

Section 196.6 – Candling and grading room.

196.6 Candling and grading room. An egg handler’s license shall be obtained from the department for each location at which eggs will be candled and graded. Before a license is issued for each location candling eggs, the department shall make a careful survey of the premises and determine that the premises contain proper facilities for […]

Section 196.7 – Candling and grading prior to sale.

196.7 Candling and grading prior to sale. All eggs offered for sale by an egg handler to a retailer, an establishment or a consumer, shall be candled and graded. [C24, §3108; C27, 31, 35, §3108, 3112-b1; C39, §3112.1; C46, 50, 54, §196.8, 196.13; C58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, §196.12, 196.14; C77, 79, 81, §196.7]

Section 196.8 – Quality — storage.

196.8 Quality — storage. 1. All eggs offered for sale to an establishment must be no lower than United States department of agriculture consumer grade “B”. From the time of candling and grading until they reach the consumer, all eggs designated for human consumption shall be held at a temperature not to exceed 45 degrees […]

Section 196.9 – Eggs unfit for human food.

196.9 Eggs unfit for human food. Eggs determined to be unfit for human food under 21 U.S.C. §1034 as amended to July 1, 1985, shall not be bought or sold or offered for purchase or sale by any person unless the eggs are denatured so that they cannot be used for human food. [C24, 27, […]