Section 201A.1 – Short title.
201A.1 Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Iowa Agricultural Liming Material Act”. 96 Acts, ch 1096, §3, 15
201A.1 Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Iowa Agricultural Liming Material Act”. 96 Acts, ch 1096, §3, 15
201A.10 Violations. 1. A person violating this chapter or rules adopted by the department under this chapter is guilty of a simple misdemeanor. 2. The department shall provide for the prosecution of a violation of this chapter by referring the violation to the county attorney in the county where the violation occurs. The department shall […]
201A.11 Fees and appropriation. Fees collected under this chapter shall be deposited in the general fund of the state and shall be subject to the requirements of section 8.60. Moneys deposited under this section to the general fund shall be used only by the department for the purpose of administering and enforcing the provisions of […]
201A.2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Agricultural liming material” means a product having calcium and magnesium compounds capable of neutralizing soil acidity. 2. “Brand” means the term, designation, trade name, product name, or other specific designation under which individual agricultural liming material is offered for sale. 3. “Bulk” […]
201A.3 License required. Agricultural liming material shall not be distributed in this state unless the manufacturer of the agricultural liming material obtains a license for each facility owned by the manufacturer for distribution in this state. The manufacturer shall obtain the license prior to the facility’s manufacture of the agricultural liming material. The license shall […]
201A.4 Labeling and advertising. 1. Agricultural liming material shall not be sold, offered for sale, or exposed for sale in this state unless a label accompanies the agricultural liming material which provides the following information: a. The name and address of the principal office of the manufacturer or distributor. b. The brand or trade name […]
201A.5 Inspection and investigation. The department shall inspect agricultural liming material distributed in this state and investigate persons engaged in the business of manufacturing, distributing, selling, offering for sale, or exposing for sale agricultural liming material in this state. Inspections and investigations shall be performed as determined necessary or practicable by the department, in order […]
201A.6 Certification of effective calcium carbonate equivalent — reporting. The department shall certify the effective calcium carbonate equivalent for all agricultural liming material, as provided by rules adopted by the department. The department may establish a fee for analyzing samples of agricultural liming material. The department shall issue a report at least once every three […]
201A.7 Toxic materials prohibited. A person shall not sell, offer for sale, or expose for sale agricultural liming material which includes material which is toxic to plants, animals, human, or aquatic life, or which causes soil or water contamination, as provided by rules adopted by the department. 96 Acts, ch 1096, §9, 15
201A.8 Rules. The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A required to administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter. 96 Acts, ch 1096, §10, 15
201A.9 Enforcement actions. If the department finds that agricultural liming material is being manufactured, used, sold, offered for sale, or exposed for sale in violation of this chapter, the department may enforce the provisions of this chapter by doing any of the following: 1. Issuing and enforcing a stop order to prevent the manufacture, sale, […]