203D.1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Board” means the Iowa grain indemnity fund board created in section 203D.4. 2. “Credit-sale contract” means the same as defined in section 203.1. 3. “Department” means the department of agriculture and land stewardship. 4. “Depositor” means a person who deposits grain in […]
203D.2 Persons participating in fund. All licensed grain dealers and licensed warehouse operators shall participate in the fund. 86 Acts, ch 1152, §32 C87, §543A.2 87 Acts, ch 147, §11 C93, §203D.2
203D.3 Grain depositors and sellers indemnity fund. 1. The grain depositors and sellers indemnity fund is created in the state treasury as a separate account. The general fund of the state is not liable for claims presented against the fund under section 203D.6. 2. The fund consists of all of the following: a. Participation fees […]
203D.3A Fees. The department shall collect fees as provided in this section, if established by the board pursuant to section 203D.5, at rates determined by the board as provided in that section. A person required to pay a fee shall use forms and deliver the payment to the department as required by the department. 1. […]
203D.4 Indemnity fund board. 1. The Iowa grain indemnity fund board is established to advise the department on matters relating to the fund and to perform the duties provided it in this chapter. The board is composed of the secretary of agriculture or a designee who shall serve as president; the state treasurer or a […]
203D.5 Fees — imposition, adjustment, or waiver. 1. The board shall annually review the debits of and credits to the grain depositors and sellers indemnity fund created in section 203D.3 and shall determine whether to impose the participation fee and per-bushel fee as provided in section 203D.3A, make adjustments to the fees effective on the […]
203D.5A Lien on licensee’s assets. The board may enforce a lien attached to assets held by a licensee under chapter 203 or 203C. The lien shall be perfected and enforced pursuant to section 203.12A or 203C.12A. 92 Acts, ch 1239, §78
203D.6 Claims against fund. 1. Persons who may file claims. A depositor or seller may file a claim with the department for indemnification of a loss from the grain depositors and sellers indemnity fund. A claim shall be filed in the manner prescribed by the board. 2. Time of filing claim. a. As used in […]
203D.7 No obligation of state. This chapter does not imply any guarantee or obligation on the part of the state of Iowa, or any of its agencies, employees, or officials, either elective or appointive, in respect of any agreement or undertaking to which this chapter relates. 86 Acts, ch 1152, §37 C87, §543A.7 C93, §203D.7