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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title V - AGRICULTURE » Chapter 205 - SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF POISONS

Section 205.1 – Sale of abortifacients.

205.1 Sale of abortifacients. No person shall sell, offer or expose for sale, deliver, give away, or have in the person’s possession with intent to sell, except upon the original written prescription of a licensed physician, dentist, or veterinarian, any cotton root, ergot, oil of tansy, oil of savin, or derivatives of any of said […]

Section 205.10 – False representations.

205.10 False representations. Any person who obtains any poison enumerated in section 205.5 under a false name or statement shall be guilty of a fraudulent practice. [C51, §2728; R60, §4374; C73, §4038; C97, §2593; S13, §2593; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §3178; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §205.10]

Section 205.11 – Enforcement.

205.11 Enforcement. The provisions of this chapter and chapters 124 and 126 shall be administered and enforced by the board of pharmacy. In discharging any duty or exercising any power under those chapters, the board of pharmacy shall be governed by all the provisions of chapter 189, which govern the department of agriculture and land […]

Section 205.12 – Chemical analysis of drugs.

205.12 Chemical analysis of drugs. Any chemical analysis deemed necessary by the board of pharmacy in the enforcement of this chapter and chapters 124 and 126 shall be made by the department of agriculture and land stewardship when requested by the board of pharmacy. [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §3180; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, […]

Section 205.13 – Applicability of other statutes.

205.13 Applicability of other statutes. Insofar as applicable, the provisions of chapter 189 shall apply to the articles dealt with in this chapter and chapters 124 and 126. The powers vested in the department of agriculture and land stewardship by chapter 189 shall be deemed for the purpose of this chapter and chapters 124 and […]

Section 205.2 – Exception.

205.2 Exception. The requirements of section 205.1 that certain drugs shall be furnished only upon written prescription, shall not apply to the sale of such drugs to persons who wholesale or retail the same, nor to any licensed physician, dentist, or veterinarian for use in the practice of that person’s profession. [S13, §2596-a; C24, 27, […]

Section 205.3 – Prescriptions.

205.3 Prescriptions. A person shall not fill a prescription for a drug required by chapter 124 or this chapter to be furnished only upon written prescription unless the prescription is ordered for a medical, dental, or veterinary purpose only. [S13, §2596-a; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §3172; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, […]

Section 205.4 – Wood or denatured alcohol.

205.4 Wood or denatured alcohol. No person shall have in the person’s possession or dispose of in any manner any article intended for use of humans or domestic animals, for internal or external use, for cosmetic purposes, for inhalation, or for perfumes, which contains methyl (wood) alcohol, crude or refined, or completely denatured alcohol. Nothing […]

Section 205.5 – Regulations as to sales of certain poisons.

205.5 Regulations as to sales of certain poisons. It shall be unlawful for any person except a licensed pharmacist to sell at retail any of the poisons enumerated in this section: Ammoniated mercury, mercury bichloride, red mercuric iodide, and other poisonous salts and compounds of mercury; salts and compounds of arsenic; salts of antimony; salts […]

Section 205.6 – Poison register.

205.6 Poison register. It shall be unlawful for any pharmacist to sell at retail any of the poisons enumerated in section 205.5 unless the pharmacist ascertains that the purchaser is aware of the character of the drug and the purchaser represents that it is to be used for a proper purpose and every sale of […]

Section 205.7 – Labeling poisons.

205.7 Labeling poisons. Except as otherwise provided, it shall be unlawful to vend, sell, dispense, or give away any poison enumerated in section 205.5, or sodium chlorate or crude carbolic acid, or any other potent poisons, without affixing to the bottle, box, vessel, or package containing the same, a label containing the name of the […]

Section 205.8 – Certain sales excepted.

205.8 Certain sales excepted. Nothing in sections 205.5 through 205.7 shall apply: 1. To proprietary medicines, provided they are not in themselves poisonous and are sold in original unbroken packages. 2. To the filling of prescriptions from or the sale to licensed physicians, dentists, or veterinarians or sales to another pharmacist or to hospitals; or […]

Section 205.9 – Prohibited sales.

205.9 Prohibited sales. It shall be unlawful for any person in this state to sell or deliver any poison to any person known to be of unsound mind or under the influence of intoxicants, and it shall likewise be unlawful for any person in this state to sell or deliver any poison enumerated in section […]