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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title V - AGRICULTURE » Chapter 206 - PESTICIDES

Section 206.3 – Examination and orders.

206.3 Examination and orders. The examination of pesticides and those products to which pesticides have been applied for the content of pesticide residues shall be made under the direction of the secretary, or the secretary’s authorized representative, for the purpose of determining whether they comply with the requirements of this chapter and rules adopted under […]

Section 206.31 – Application of pesticides for structural pest control.

206.31 Application of pesticides for structural pest control. 1. Definitions. Notwithstanding section 206.2, as used in this chapter with regard to the application of pesticides used for structural pest control: a. “Commercial applicator” means a person, or employee of a person, who enters into a contract or an agreement for the sake of monetary payment […]

Section 206.32 – Chlordane — prohibition.

206.32 Chlordane — prohibition. 1. A person shall not offer for sale, sell, purchase, apply, or use chlordane in this state. 2. The department, working in conjunction with the department of natural resources, shall identify existing stocks of chlordane, shall formulate recommendations for the safe disposal of existing stocks of chlordane, and shall make those […]

Section 206.33 – Daminozide — prohibition.

206.33 Daminozide — prohibition. A person shall not offer for sale, sell, purchase, apply, or use a pesticide containing daminozide in this state if the pesticide is sold, purchased, applied, or used for purposes of enhancing or improving a product produced to be consumed. 89 Acts, ch 127, §1; 90 Acts, ch 1260, §24

Section 206.34 – Local legislation — prohibition.

206.34 Local legislation — prohibition. 1. As used in this section: a. “Local governmental entity” means any political subdivision, or any state authority which is not the general assembly or under the direction of a principal central department as enumerated in section 7E.5, including a city as defined in section 362.2, a county as provided […]

Section 206.4 – Classification of licenses.

206.4 Classification of licenses. 1. The secretary may classify or subclassify certifications or licenses to be issued under this chapter. Each classification shall be subject to separate testing procedures and requirements. However, no person shall be required to pay an additional license fee if such person desires to be licensed in one or all of […]

Section 206.5 – Certification requirements — rules.

206.5 Certification requirements — rules. 1. A commercial or public applicator shall not apply any pesticide and a person shall not apply any restricted use pesticide without first complying with the certification requirements of this chapter and such other restrictions as determined by the secretary. 2. a. A commercial applicator shall pay a seventy-five dollar […]

Section 206.6 – License for commercial applicators.

206.6 License for commercial applicators. 1. Commercial applicator. No person shall engage in the business of applying pesticides to the lands or property of another at any time without being licensed by the secretary. The secretary shall require an annual license fee of not more than twenty-five dollars for each license. Application for a license […]

Section 206.7 – Certified applicators.

206.7 Certified applicators. 1. Requirement for certification. A commercial or public applicator shall not apply any pesticide without first complying with the certification standards. 2. Certification standards. Certification standards shall be adopted by the secretary to determine the individual’s competence with respect to the application and handling of the restricted use pesticides. In determining these […]

Section 206.7A – Discharge of pesticides into natural lakes — civil penalty.

206.7A Discharge of pesticides into natural lakes — civil penalty. 1. A person shall not intentionally spray, place, discharge, or otherwise put a pesticide off label into a natural lake, or an artificial lake connected to a natural lake, that is used as a source water for public or private water supplies. 2. This section […]

Section 206.8 – Pesticide dealer license.

206.8 Pesticide dealer license. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to act in the capacity of a pesticide dealer, or advertise as, or assume to act as a pesticide dealer at any time without first having obtained a license from the secretary which shall expire at the end of the calendar year of […]

Section 206.9 – Cooperative agreements.

206.9 Cooperative agreements. The secretary may cooperate, receive grants-in-aid, and enter into agreements with any agency of the federal government, of this state or its subdivisions, or with any agency of another state, or trade associations to obtain assistance in the implementation of this chapter and to do all of the following: 1. Secure uniformity […]