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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title V - AGRICULTURE » Chapter 210 - STANDARD WEIGHTS AND MEASURES

Section 210.1 – Standard established.

210.1 Standard established. The weights and measures which have been presented by the department to the United States national institute of standards and technology and approved, standardized, and certified by the institute in accordance with the laws of the Congress of the United States shall be the standard weights and measures throughout the state. [C51, […]

Section 210.10 – Bushel measure.

210.10 Bushel measure. When any of the commodities enumerated in this section shall be sold by the bushel or fractional part thereof, except when sold in a United States standard container or as provided in sections 210.11 and 210.12, the measure shall be determined by avoirdupois weight and shall be computed as follows: Commodities Pounds […]

Section 210.11 – Sale of fruits and vegetables by dry measure.

210.11 Sale of fruits and vegetables by dry measure. Blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, cherries, strawberries, and similar berries, also onion sets in quantities of one peck or less, may be sold by the quart, pint, or half-pint, dry measure. [SS15, §3009-i; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §3237; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, […]

Section 210.12 – Sale of fruits and vegetables in baskets.

210.12 Sale of fruits and vegetables in baskets. Grapes, other fruits, and vegetables may be sold in climax baskets; but when said commodities are sold in such manner and the containers are labeled with the net weight of the contents in accordance with the provisions of section 189.9, all the provisions of chapter 191 shall […]

Section 210.13 – Berry boxes and climax baskets.

210.13 Berry boxes and climax baskets. Berry boxes sold, used, or offered or exposed for sale shall have an interior capacity of one quart, pint, or half-pint dry measure. Climax baskets sold, used, or offered or exposed for sale shall be of the standard size fixed below: 1. Two-quart basket: Length of bottom piece, nine […]

Section 210.14 – Hop boxes.

210.14 Hop boxes. The standard box used in packing hops shall be thirty-six inches long, eighteen inches wide, and twenty-three and one-fourth inches deep, inside measurement. [C73, §2051; C97, §3018; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §3240; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §210.14]

Section 210.15 – Milk and cream bottles or containers.

210.15 Milk and cream bottles or containers. The standard bottle or container used for the sale of milk and cream shall be of a capacity of one gallon, one-half gallon, three pints, one quart, one pint, one-half pint, one-third quart, one gill, filled full to the bottom of the lip. [S13, §3009-k; C24, 27, 31, […]

Section 210.16 – Flour.

210.16 Flour. The standard weights of flour when sold in package form shall be as follows: Two, five, ten, twenty-five, fifty, or one hundred pounds. [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §3242; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §210.16]

Section 210.17 – Mason work or stone.

210.17 Mason work or stone. The perch of mason work or stone shall consist of twenty-five feet, cubic measure. [C51, §939; R60, §1777; C73, §2050; C97, §3017; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §3243; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §210.17]

Section 210.18 – Sales to be by standard weight or measure — labeling.

210.18 Sales to be by standard weight or measure — labeling. 1. All commodities bought or sold by weight or measure shall be bought or sold only by the standards established by this chapter, unless the vendor and vendee otherwise agree. Sales by weight shall be by avoirdupois weight unless troy weight is agreed upon […]

Section 210.19 – Standard weight of bread.

210.19 Standard weight of bread. The standard loaf of bread shall weigh one pound, avoirdupois weight. All bread manufactured, procured, made or kept for the purpose of sale, offered or exposed for sale, or sold in the form of loaves, shall be one of the following standard weights and no other, namely: Three-quarters pound, one […]

Section 210.2 – Length and surface measure.

210.2 Length and surface measure. The unit or standard measure of length and surface from which all other measures of extension shall be derived and ascertained, whether they be lineal, superficial, or solid, shall be the standard yard secured in accordance with the provisions of section 210.1. It shall be divided into three equal parts […]

Section 210.20 – Wrapper.

210.20 Wrapper. There shall be printed upon the wrapper of each loaf of bread in plain conspicuous type, the name and address of the manufacturer and the weight of the loaf in terms of one of the standard weights herein specified. [C27, 31, 35, §3244-b2; C39, §3244.02; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, […]

Section 210.21 – Violations.

210.21 Violations. It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, procure, or keep for the purpose of sale, offer or expose for sale, or sell bread in the form of loaves which are not of one of the weights specified in section 210.19 or violate the rules of the secretary of agriculture pertaining thereto. […]

Section 210.22 – “Person” defined.

210.22 “Person” defined. The word “person” as used in section 210.21 shall be construed to import both the plural and the singular, as the case demands, and shall include corporations, companies, societies, and associations. [C27, 31, 35, §3244-b4; C39, §3244.04; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §210.22] Referred to […]

Section 210.23 – Exception.

210.23 Exception. Any person engaged in home baking is exempt from the provisions of sections 210.19 through 210.22. [C27, 31, 35, §3244-b5; C39, §3244.05; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §210.23] 2021 Acts, ch 80, §105 Referred to in §210.21, 210.24 Section amended

Section 210.24 – Enforcement — rules and regulations.

210.24 Enforcement — rules and regulations. The secretary of agriculture shall enforce the provisions of sections 210.19 through 210.23, this section, and section 210.25. The secretary shall make rules for the enforcement of the provisions of said sections not inconsistent therewith, and such rules and regulations shall include reasonable variations and tolerances. [C27, 31, 35, […]

Section 210.25 – Weighing bread.

210.25 Weighing bread. Bread when weighed for inspection shall be weighed in the manufacturer’s plant when said bread is wrapped ready for delivery, and bread coming into the state from an adjoining state when weighed for inspection shall be weighed in the packages, containers, vehicles, or trucks of the manufacturer at the time when said […]

Section 210.26 – Measuring saw logs.

210.26 Measuring saw logs. The Scribner decimal “C” log rule is hereby adopted as the standard log rule for determining the board-foot content of saw logs; and all contracts hereafter entered into for the cutting, purchase and sale of saw logs shall be deemed to be made on the basis of such standard rule unless […]

Section 210.3 – Land measure.

210.3 Land measure. The acre for land measure shall be measured horizontally and contain ten square chains and be equivalent in area to a rectangle sixteen rods in length and ten rods in breadth, six hundred and forty such acres being contained in a square mile. The chain for measuring land shall be twenty-two yards […]