214A.1 Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to the various terms used in this chapter: 1. “Advertise” means to present a commercial message in any medium, including but not limited to print, radio, television, sign, display, label, tag, or articulation. 2. “A.S.T.M. international” means the American society for testing and materials international. 3. “Biobutanol” means […]
214A.10 Transfer pipes. A wholesale dealer, retail dealer, or other person shall not, within this state, use the same pipeline for transferring motor fuel, including gasoline, or oxygenate from one container to another, if the pipeline is used for transferring kerosene or other flammable product used for open flame illuminating or heating purposes. [C31, 35, […]
214A.11 Penalties. 1. Except as provided in subsection 2, a person who violates a provision of this chapter is guilty of a serious misdemeanor. Each day that a continuing violation occurs shall be considered a separate offense. 2. The state may proceed against a person who violates this chapter by initiating an alternative civil enforcement […]
214A.12 Industrial petroleum — permits. Any wholesale dealer as defined in this chapter may apply to the department for a permit to make importations of petroleum products for industrial use only and not intended to be used for internal combustion engines, on a form to be supplied by the department, and upon receiving such permission […]
214A.13 Chemists — employment of. The secretary of agriculture shall employ one or more chemists and incur such other expense as shall be necessary for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this chapter. [C31, 35, §5093-d13; C39, §5095.13; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, §323.13; C73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §214A.13]
214A.14 Appropriation. There is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated funds sufficient to pay the expenses incurred as authorized by this chapter. [C31, 35, §5093-d14; C39, §5095.14; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, §323.14; C73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §214A.14]
214A.15 Gasoline receptacles. Repealed by 2021 Acts, ch 149, §17.
214A.16 Notice of renewable fuel — decal. 1. a. If ethanol blended gasoline is sold from a motor fuel pump, the motor fuel pump shall have affixed a decal identifying the ethanol blended gasoline. b. If the motor fuel pump dispenses ethanol blended gasoline classified as E-11 to E-15 for use in gasoline-powered vehicles not […]
214A.17 Documentation in transactions. Upon any delivery of motor fuel to a retailer, the invoice, bill of lading, shipping or other documentation shall disclose the presence, type, and amount of oxygenates over one percent by weight contained in the fuel. 85 Acts, ch 76, §7; 2006 Acts, ch 1142, §83
214A.18 MTBE prohibition. 1. A person shall not do any of the following: a. Sell motor fuel containing more than trace amounts of MTBE in this state. b. Store motor fuel containing more than trace amounts of MTBE in a motor fuel storage tank located in this state. 2. As used in this section, “trace […]
214A.19 Demonstration grants authorized. 1. The department, conditioned upon the availability of moneys, may award demonstration grants to persons who purchase vehicles which operate on alternative fuels, including but not limited to E-85 gasoline, biodiesel, compressed natural gas, electricity, solar energy, or hydrogen. A grant shall be for the purpose of conducting research connected with […]
214A.2 Tests and standards. 1. The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A for carrying out this chapter. The rules may include but are not limited to specifications relating to motor fuel, including but not limited to renewable fuel such as ethanol blended gasoline, biobutanol blended gasoline, biodiesel, biodiesel blended fuel, and motor fuel […]
214A.20 Limitation on liability. 1. A retail dealer or other marketer, pipeline company, refiner, terminal operator, or terminal owner is not liable for damages caused by the use of incompatible motor fuel dispensed at the retail dealer’s retail motor fuel site, if all of the following apply: a. The incompatible motor fuel complies with the […]
214A.2A Kerosene. 1. Fuel which is sold or is kept, offered, or exposed for sale as kerosene shall be labeled as kerosene. The label shall include the word “kerosene” or the designation “K1 kerosene”, and shall indicate that the kerosene is in compliance with the standard specification adopted by A.S.T.M. international specification D3699 (1982). 2. […]
214A.2B Laboratory for motor fuel and biofuels. A laboratory for motor fuel and biofuels is established at a community college which is engaged in biofuels testing on July 1, 2007, and which testing includes but is not limited to B-20 biodiesel fuel testing for motor trucks and the ability of biofuels to meet A.S.T.M. international […]
214A.2C Auditing programs. The department shall establish and administer programs for the auditing of motor fuel including biofuel processing and production plants, for screening and testing motor fuel, including renewable fuel, and for the inspection of motor fuel sold by dealers, including retail dealers who sell and dispense motor fuel from motor fuel pumps. 2019 […]
214A.3 Advertising. 1. For all motor fuel, a person shall not knowingly do any of the following: a. Advertise the sale of any motor fuel which does not meet the standards provided in section 214A.2. b. Falsely advertise the quality or kind of any motor fuel or a component of motor fuel. c. Add a […]
214A.4 Intrastate shipments. A wholesale dealer or retail dealer shall not receive or sell or hold for sale, within this state, any motor fuel or oxygenate for which specifications are prescribed in this chapter, unless the dealer first secures from the refiner or producer of the motor fuel or oxygenate, a statement, verified by the […]
214A.5 Documentation. 1. A wholesale dealer or retail dealer shall, when making a sale of motor fuel, give to a purchaser upon demand a sales slip. 2. A wholesale dealer selling ethanol blended gasoline, biobutanol blended gasoline, or biodiesel blended fuel to a purchaser shall provide the purchaser with a statement indicating its designation as […]
214A.6 Department tests — fee. Repealed by 2005 Acts, ch 159, §2 .