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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title V - AGRICULTURE » Chapter 215 - INSPECTION OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES

Section 215.4 – Tag for inaccurate or incorrect device — reinspection — license fee.

215.4 Tag for inaccurate or incorrect device — reinspection — license fee. A commercial weighing and measuring device found to be inaccurate or incorrect upon inspection by the department shall be rejected or tagged “condemned until repaired” and the inspection sticker shall be removed. If notice is received by the department that the device has […]

Section 215.5 – Confiscation of scales.

215.5 Confiscation of scales. The department may seize without warrant and confiscate any incorrect scales, weights, or measures, or any weighing apparatus or part thereof which do not conform to the state standards or upon which the license fee has not been paid. If any weighing or measuring apparatus or part thereof be found out […]

Section 215.6 – False weights or measures.

215.6 False weights or measures. If any person engaged in the purchase or sale of any commodity by weight or measurement, or in the employment of labor where the price thereof is to be determined by weight or measurement of the articles upon which such labor is bestowed, has in the person’s possession any inaccurate […]

Section 215.7 – Transactions by false weights or measures.

215.7 Transactions by false weights or measures. 1. A person shall be deemed to have violated the provisions of this chapter if the person does any of the following : a. Sells, trades, delivers, charges for, or claims to have delivered to a purchaser an amount of any commodity which is less in weight or […]

Section 215.9 – Power of political subdivision limited.

215.9 Power of political subdivision limited. A commodity weighed upon any scale bearing a sticker issued by the department shall not be required to be reweighed as required by ordinance of any political subdivision including but not limited to a city, nor shall a commodity’s sale, at the weights so ascertained, and because thereof, be, […]