215A.1 Definitions. As used in this chapter: 1. “Agricultural products” means any product of agricultural activity which is tested for moisture content when offered for sale, processing, or storage. 2. “Department” means the Iowa department of agriculture and land stewardship. 3. “Moisture-measuring devices” means any device or instrument used by any person in proving or […]
215A.10 Penalty. Every person who uses or causes to be used a moisture-measuring device in commerce with knowledge that such device has not been inspected and approved by the department in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor. [C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §215A.10]
215A.2 Inspection by department. The department shall inspect or cause to be inspected at least annually every moisture-measuring device used in commerce in this state, except those belonging to the United States or the state, or any subdivision of either, except as herein provided. The department may inspect or cause to be inspected at the […]
215A.3 Rules adopted — hearing. The department is charged with the enforcement of this chapter and, after due publicity and due public hearing, is empowered to establish rules, regulations, specifications, standards, and tests as necessary in order to secure the efficient administration of this chapter. Publicity concerning the public hearing shall be reasonably calculated to […]
215A.4 Officer assigned to act. The department may at its discretion designate an employee or officer of the department to act for the department in any details connected with the administration of this chapter. [C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §215A.4]
215A.5 Marking with seal. If an inspection or comparative test reveals that the moisture-measuring device being inspected or tested conforms to the standards and specifications established by the department, the department shall cause the same to be marked with an appropriate seal. Any moisture-measuring device which upon inspection is found not to conform with the […]
215A.6 Procedure when device rejected. 1. Any defective moisture-measuring device, while so marked, sealed, or tagged, as provided in section 215A.5, may be used to ascertain the moisture content of agricultural products offered for sale, processing, or storage, only under the following conditions: a. The person shall keep a record, open to inspection, of every […]
215A.7 Located where visible to public. Every device used to ascertain the moisture content of agricultural products offered for sale, processing, or storage shall be used in a location visible to the general public and the detailed procedure for operating a moisture-measuring device shall be displayed in a conspicuous place close to the moisture-measuring device. […]
215A.8 Untested devices not to be used — exception. No person shall use or cause to be used any grain moisture-measuring device which has not been inspected and approved for use by the department; except, a newly purchased grain moisture-measuring device may be used prior to regular inspection and approval if the user of such […]
215A.9 Inspection fee. 1. The department shall charge, assess, and cause to be collected at the time of inspection an inspection fee in accordance with the fee schedule established pursuant to section 214.3, subsection 3. 2. A fee of fifteen dollars shall be charged for each device subject to reinspection under section 215A.5. All moneys […]