217.1 Programs of department. There is established a department of human services to administer programs designed to improve the well-being and productivity of the people of the state of Iowa. The department shall concern itself with the problems of human behavior, adjustment, and daily living through the administration of programs of family, child, and adult […]
217.10 Administrator of division of mental health and disability services. The administrator of the division of mental health and disability services shall be qualified as provided in section 225C.3, subsection 3. The administrator’s duties are enumerated in section 225C.4. [C50, 54, 58, 62, 66, §218.75; C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §217.10; 81 Acts, ch […]
217.11 Repealed by 2008 Acts, ch 1072, §6 . See §216A.107.
217.12 Repealed by 2008 Acts, ch 1072, §6 . See §216A.107.
217.13 Department to provide certain volunteer services — volunteer liability. 1. The department of human services shall establish volunteer programs designed to enhance the services provided by the department. Roles for volunteers may include but shall not be limited to parent aides, friendly visitors, commodity distributors, clerical assistants, medical transporters, and other functions to complement […]
217.15 Administrator of division of administration. The administrator of the division of administration shall be qualified in the general field of governmental administration with special training and experience in the areas of competitive bidding, contract letting, accounting and budget preparation. [C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §217.15]
217.16 Cooperation with other divisions. The administrator of the division of administration shall cooperate with the administrators of the other divisions of the department of human services, assist them and the director of the department in the preparation of annual budgets and such other like reports as may be requested by the director or required […]
217.17 Administrator of division of planning. The administrator of the division of planning, research, and statistics shall be qualified in the general field of governmental planning with special training and experience in the areas of preparation and development of plans for future efficient reorganization and administration of government social functions. The administrator of the division […]
217.18 Official seal. The department shall have an official seal with the words “Iowa Department of Human Services” and such other design as the department prescribes engraved thereon. Every commission, order or other paper of an official nature executed by the department may be attested with such seal. [S13, §2727-a1; SS15, §2727-a3; C24, 27, 31, […]
217.19 Expenses. 1. The director of said department, the director’s staff, assistants and employees shall, in addition to salary, receive their necessary traveling expenses by the nearest traveled and practicable route, when engaged in the performance of official business. 2. The department of administrative services shall work with the department of human services to develop […]
217.2 Council on human services. 1. a. There is created within the department of human services a council on human services which shall act in a policymaking and advisory capacity on matters within the jurisdiction of the department. The council shall consist of seven voting members appointed by the governor subject to confirmation by the […]
217.20 Trips to other states. Repealed by 2011 Acts, ch 127, §56, 89. See §8A.512A.
217.21 Annual report. The department shall, annually, at the time provided by law make a report to the governor and general assembly, and cover therein the annual period ending with June 30 preceding, which report shall embrace: 1. An itemized statement of its expenditures concerning each program under its administration. 2. Adequate and complete statistical […]
217.23 Personnel — merit system — reimbursement for damaged property. 1. The director of human services or the director’s designee, shall employ such personnel as are necessary for the performance of the duties and responsibilities assigned to the department. All employees shall be selected on a basis of fitness for the work to be performed […]
217.24 Payment by electronic funds transfer. The department of human services shall continue expanding the practice of making payments to program participants and vendors by means of electronic funds transfer. The department shall seek the capacity for making payment by such means for all programs administered by the department. 2010 Acts, ch 1031, §407
217.3 Duties of council. The council on human services shall: 1. Organize annually and select a chairperson and vice chairperson. 2. Adopt and establish policy for the operation and conduct of the department of human services, subject to any guidelines which may be adopted by the general assembly, and the implementation of all services and […]
217.30 Confidentiality of records — report of recipients. 1. For purposes of this section unless the context otherwise requires, “person” means the same as defined in section 4.1. 2. The following information relative to an individual receiving services or assistance from the department shall be held confidential except as otherwise provided in subsection 5: a. […]
217.31 Action for damages. 1. Any person may institute a civil action for damages under chapter 669 or to restrain the dissemination of confidential records set out in section 217.30, subsection 2, paragraph “b”, “c”, or “d”, in violation of that section, and any person, agency or governmental body proven to have disseminated or to […]
217.32 Office space in county. Where the department of human services assigns personnel to an office located in a county for the purpose of performing in that county designated duties and responsibilities assigned by law to the department, it shall be the responsibility of the county to provide and maintain the necessary office space and […]
217.33 Legal services. The director of human services pursuant to a state plan funded in part by the federal government may provide services for eligible persons by contract with nonprofit legal aid organizations. [C77, 79, 81, §217.33] 83 Acts, ch 96, §157, 159