307.1 Definitions. When used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Director” means the director of transportation or the director’s designee. 2. “Department” means the state department of transportation. 3. “Commission” means the state transportation commission established in section 307A.1A. [C75, 77, 79, 81, §307.1; 81 Acts, ch 22, §2] 86 Acts, ch […]
307.10 Duties of commission. Repealed by 2015 Acts, ch 123, §15 . See chapter §307A.
307.11 Director of transportation — qualifications — salary. 1. The governor shall appoint a director of transportation, subject to confirmation by the senate, who shall serve at the pleasure of the governor and who shall not be a member of the commission. The director shall not hold any other office under the laws of the […]
307.12 Duties of the director. 1. The director shall: a. Manage the internal operations of the department and establish guidelines and procedures to promote the orderly and efficient administration of the department. b. Employ personnel as necessary to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the department, consistent with chapter 8A, subchapter IV. c. Assist […]
307.13 Reassignment of personnel. The director may reassign personnel within the department among the various divisions of the department in order to properly coordinate the work of the divisions and perform the duties and responsibilities of the department efficiently and economically. However, any employee so transferred or transferred from one employment system to another, either […]
307.14 Official Iowa map. The department shall publish a map of the state of Iowa. At the request of a citizen of a particular city or town, the department shall add the city or town to the existing map of Iowa and identify the main road leading into the city or town if the city […]
307.2 Department of transportation. There is created a state department of transportation which shall be responsible for the planning, development, regulation and improvement of transportation in the state as provided by law. [C75, 77, 79, 81, §307.2] Referred to in §7E.5
307.20 Biodiesel and biodiesel blended fuel revolving fund. 1. A biodiesel and biodiesel blended fuel revolving fund is created in the state treasury. The biodiesel and biodiesel blended fuel revolving fund shall be administered by the department and shall consist of moneys received from the sale of EPAct credits banked by the department on April […]
307.21 Operations and finances. 1. The department’s administrator responsible for the operations and finances of the department shall: a. Provide for the proper maintenance and protection of the grounds, buildings, and equipment of the department, in cooperation with the department of administrative services. b. Establish, supervise, and maintain a system of centralized electronic data processing […]
307.22 Planning and programming activities. 1. The department’s administrator responsible for transportation planning and infrastructure program development shall: a. Assist the director in planning all modes of transportation in order to develop an integrated transportation system providing adequate transportation services for all citizens of the state. b. Develop and maintain transportation statistical data for the […]
307.23 General counsel. 1. The general counsel shall be a special assistant attorney general appointed by the attorney general who shall act as the attorney for the department. The general counsel shall have the following duties and responsibilities: a. Act as legal advisor to the commission and the director. b. Provide all legal services for […]
307.24 Administration of highway programs and activities. The department’s administrator responsible for highway programs and activities shall plan, design, construct, and maintain the state primary highways and shall administer chapters 306 through 306C, chapters 309 through 314, chapters 316 through 318, and chapter 320 and perform other duties as assigned by the director. The department […]
307.25 Aeronautics and public transit. Repealed by 2015 Acts, ch 123, §15. See §307.22 and 307.26.
307.26 Administration of modal programs and activities. The department’s administrator responsible for modal programs and activities shall: 1. Advise and assist the director in the development of aeronautics, including but not limited to the location of air terminals; accessibility of air terminals by other modes of public transportation; protective zoning provisions considering safety factors, noise, […]
307.27 Motor vehicles, motor carriers, and drivers. The department’s administrator responsible for the enforcement and regulation of motor carriers, registration of motor vehicles, and licensing of drivers shall: 1. Administer and supervise the registration of motor vehicles and the licensing of drivers pursuant to chapter 321. 2. Administer and supervise the licensing of motor vehicle […]
307.28 Prorating departmental costs. The director shall, with the approval of the commission, prorate the costs of the department which will be expended for highways and such costs shall be paid from money appropriated from the road use tax fund. Prorated costs payable from the road use tax fund shall be based upon that portion […]
307.3 Transportation commission. Repealed by 2015 Acts, ch 123, §15 . See chapter 307A.
307.30 Federal tax compliance. The department shall adopt rules under chapter 17A to provide for certification of federal heavy vehicle use tax collections required by the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982. 83 Acts, ch 9, §2, 8
307.31 Periodic review of revenues — evaluation of alternative funding sources. 1. The department shall periodically review the current revenue levels of the road use tax fund and the sufficiency of those revenues for the projected construction and maintenance needs of city, county, and state governments in the future. The department shall submit a written […]
307.32 Annual report — secondary road construction program — structurally deficient bridges. On or before February 15 of each year, the department, in collaboration with the Iowa county engineers association, shall compile the annual reports received from counties pursuant to sections 309.22 and 309.22A into a cumulative report and submit the cumulative report in electronic […]