315.1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Department” means the state department of transportation. 2. “Fund” or “RISE fund” means the revitalize Iowa’s sound economy fund. 85 Acts, ch 231, §2
315.10 Rules. The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A as necessary for the administration of this chapter. 85 Acts, ch 231, §11
315.11 Additional factors and requirements. In addition to other effects and factors to be considered under section 315.5, for applications submitted after July 1, 1988, the following factors and requirements shall be considered or applied: 1. The impact of the proposed project on other businesses in competition with the business being considered for assistance. The […]
315.2 Revitalize Iowa’s sound economy (RISE) fund. A revitalize Iowa’s sound economy fund is created, which includes: 1. All motor fuel and special fuel excise taxes credited by law to the RISE fund. 2. All other funds by law credited to the RISE fund. 85 Acts, ch 231, §3 Referred to in §312.2
315.3 Use of fund. 1. The fund is appropriated for and shall be used in the establishment, construction, improvement and maintenance of roads and streets which promote economic development in the state by having any of the following effects: a. Improving or maintaining highway access to specific development sites, including existing and future industrial locations. […]
315.4 Allocation of fund. 1. Moneys credited to the RISE fund shall be allocated as follows: a. Four-sevenths for deposit in the primary road fund for the use of the department on primary road projects as follows: (1) Fifty percent for highways that support the production or transport of renewable fuels, including primary highways that […]
315.4A Restrictions on use. Moneys allocated pursuant to section 315.4, subsection 1, paragraph “b”, and section 315.4, subsection 2, shall not be used for debt service or to otherwise pay principal and interest on bonds, loans, or other indebtedness issued or incurred on or after February 25, 2015, including refunding, reissuance, or other refinancing of […]
315.5 Administration of fund. Qualifying road and street projects shall be selected by the state transportation commission for full or partial financing from the fund after consultation with organizations representing interests of counties and cities. Counties and cities may make application for qualifying road and street projects with the department. In ranking applications for funds, […]
315.6 Funding of projects. 1. Qualifying projects may be funded as follows: a. Primary road and state park road projects may be financed entirely by the fund, or by combining money from the fund with money from the primary road fund, federal aid primary funds received by the state, money from cities or counties raised […]
315.7 Accounting and disbursements. The account of the fund shall be kept by the director of the department of administrative services and the treasurer of state and shall show the amount of the fund including all credits to the fund and disbursements. Upon certification by the department in accordance with rules adopted by the director […]
315.8 Accounts and records required. The department shall keep accounts in relation to the allocation of moneys to the fund including all amounts credited to the fund and all amounts of duly and finally approved vouchers for claims chargeable to the fund. The department shall also keep accounts in relation to agreements with counties and […]
315.9 Project development. The department shall be responsible for the development of qualifying projects under this chapter in the same manner as prescribed for primary road system improvements under chapter 313, including surveys, plans, specifications, bids, contracts, supervision and inspection. The department may delegate responsibility for project development to another participating governmental unit. 85 Acts, […]