321H.1 Administration. The administration of this chapter shall be vested in the director of transportation. The department may employ such employees as are necessary for the administration of this chapter, within applicable budget limitations. [C79, 81, §321H.1] 2015 Acts, ch 29, §114
321H.2 Definitions. As used in this chapter and unless a different meaning appears from the context: 1. “Authorized vehicle recycler” means a person licensed to operate as a vehicle rebuilder, used vehicle parts dealer or vehicle salvager. 2. “Department” means the state department of transportation. 3. “Extension” means a place of business of an authorized […]
321H.3 Prohibitions. Except for educational institutions; persons licensed as new vehicle dealers under chapter 322; persons engaged in a hobby not for profit; persons engaged in the business of purchasing bodies, parts of bodies, frames, or component parts of vehicles only for sale as scrap metal; insurance companies governed by chapter 515; county mutual insurance […]
321H.4 License application and fees. 1. Upon application and payment of a fee, a person may apply for a license to operate as an authorized vehicle recycler to engage in the business as one or more of the following: a. A vehicle rebuilder. b. A used vehicle parts dealer. c. A vehicle salvager. 2. a. […]
321H.4A National motor vehicle title information system. 1. A vehicle recycler licensed under this chapter and subject to the requirements of 28 C.F.R. §25.56 shall register with the national motor vehicle title information system. 2. a. Except as provided in paragraph “b”, for any vehicle subject to registration under chapter 321 purchased by a vehicle […]
321H.5 Contents and display of license. A license issued under the provisions of this chapter shall specify the location of the principal place of business, the location of each extension within the county of the principal place of business, and for licenses issued on or after January 1, 2016, the licensee’s registration number for the […]
321H.6 Denial, suspension, or revocation of license. The license of a person issued under the provisions of this chapter may be denied, revoked, or suspended, and an application for a license under this chapter may be denied, if the department finds any of the following: 1. The licensee has violated any provision of this chapter. […]
321H.7 Fees. All fees of whatever character accruing from the administration of this chapter shall be accounted for and paid by the department into the state treasury monthly and shall be credited to the road use tax fund. [C79, 81, §321H.7]
321H.8 Penalties. 1. a. Except as provided in paragraph “b”, a person convicted of violating a provision of this chapter is guilty of a serious misdemeanor. b. A person convicted of violating section 321H.4A is guilty of a simple misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars nor more than […]