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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title VIII - TRANSPORTATION » Chapter 330 - AIRPORTS

Section 330.1 – Definition.

330.1 Definition. The word “airport” as used in this chapter, shall include landing field, airdrome, aviation field, or other similar term used in connection with aerial traffic. [C31, 35, §5903-c1; C39, §5903.01; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §330.1]

Section 330.13 – Federal aid.

330.13 Federal aid. 1. Any subdivision of government is authorized to accept, receive, and receipt for federal moneys, and other moneys, either public or private, for the acquisition, construction, enlargement, improvement, maintenance, equipment, or operation of airports, and other air navigation facilities, and sites for airports and other navigation facilities, and to comply with the […]

Section 330.17 – Airport commission — election.

330.17 Airport commission — election. 1. The council of any city or county which owns or acquires an airport may, and upon the council’s receipt of a valid petition as provided in section 362.4, or receipt of a petition by the board of supervisors as provided in section 331.306 shall, at an election held on […]

Section 330.18 – Notice of election.

330.18 Notice of election. Notice of the election shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the city, subject to section 362.3 or in the county, subject to section 331.305. [C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, S81, §330.18; 81 Acts, ch 117, §1055] Referred to […]

Section 330.19 – Form of question.

330.19 Form of question. The question to be submitted shall be in the following form: Shall the City (or County) of …………………… place (or continue) the management and control of its airport (or airports) in an Airport Commission? [C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, S81, §330.19; 81 Acts, ch […]

Section 330.20 – Appointment of commission — terms.

330.20 Appointment of commission — terms. When a majority of the voters favors airport control and management by a commission, the governing body shall, within ten days, appoint an airport commission of three or five members, each of whom shall be a resident of the city or county establishing the commission or a resident of […]

Section 330.21 – Powers — funds.

330.21 Powers — funds. 1. The commission has all of the powers in relation to airports granted to cities and counties under state law, except powers to sell the airport. The commission shall annually certify the amount of tax within the limitations of state law to be levied for airport purposes, and upon certification the […]

Section 330.22 – Annual report — publishing.

330.22 Annual report — publishing. The airport commission shall immediately after the close of each municipal fiscal year, file with the city clerk or county auditor a detailed and audited written report of all money received and disbursed by the commission during said fiscal year, and shall publish a summary thereof in an official newspaper. […]

Section 330.23 – No restriction on administrative agencies.

330.23 No restriction on administrative agencies. 1. This chapter does not prohibit a city from establishing an administrative agency pursuant to chapter 392 to manage and control all or part of its airport in lieu of an airport commission under this chapter. A city may abolish an airport commission and provide for the management and […]

Section 330.24 – No restrictions on former commissions.

330.24 No restrictions on former commissions. Nothing in sections 330.17 through 330.22 shall be interpreted as limiting or affecting airport commissions of cities in the above classification which have already been in existence and operation prior to January 1, 1941, under the provisions of this chapter. [C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, […]

Section 330.4 – Joint exercise of powers.

330.4 Joint exercise of powers. Agreements between political subdivisions for joint exercise of any powers relating to airports may provide for the creation and establishment of a joint airport commission which, when so created or established, shall function in accordance with the provisions of sections 330.17 through 330.24 insofar as provided by the agreements. [C46, […]

Section 330.9 – Plans and specifications.

330.9 Plans and specifications. 1. Before an airport is acquired by a city or county, the plans and specifications for it shall be submitted to the state department of transportation which shall require that they show the legal description and plat of the site, distance from the nearest post office and railroad station, location and […]