§601. Publication of legal notices and advertising To be qualified as a medium for the publication of legal notices, legal advertising and other matter required by law to be published in a newspaper, a newspaper, unless otherwise ordered by the court in the proceedings, must be printed in the English language; must be entered as […]
§602. Additional media for publication of notices Notwithstanding section 601, all probate notices, notices of foreclosure, other legal notices, legal advertising and other matter required by law to be published in a newspaper that have been published in the Coastal Journal from the date of its first publication on November 3, 1966 and in the […]
§603. Electronic notice 1. Electronic posting of legal notices. A legal notice appearing in a newspaper pursuant to section 601 must be placed on any publicly accessible website that the newspaper maintains in the following manner: A. The legal notice must be placed on the newspaper’s publicly accessible website no later than the same […]