§1151. Controversies referable; powers of referees; revocation by consent All controversies which may be the subject of a personal action may be submitted to one or more referees, with the same powers as those appointed by the court. The parties personally or by attorney may sign and acknowledge an agreement before a notary public, although […]
§1152. Submission of all demands; specific demands If all demands between the parties are so submitted, no specific demand need be annexed to the agreement; but if a specific demand only is submitted, it shall be annexed to the agreement and signed by the party making it and be so stated as to be readily […]
§1153. Authority of referees All the referees must meet and hear the parties; but a majority may make the report, which is as valid as if signed by all, if it appears by the report or certificate of the dissenting referee that all attended and heard the parties. They may allow costs or not to […]
§1154. Return of report The report shall be made to the court within the time specified in the submission. One of the referees shall deliver it into court, or it shall be sealed up and sent sealed to the court, and shall be opened by the clerk.
§1155. Action on report; appeals The court may accept, reject or recommit the report. If recommitted, the referees shall notify the parties of the time and place for a new hearing. When the report is accepted, judgment shall be entered thereon as in case of submissions by rule of court. Either party may appeal from […]