US Lawyer Database

For Lawyer-Seekers


14 §1201-A. Declaration of policy

§1201-A. Declaration of policy It is the policy of the State that all persons chosen for jury service be selected at random from the broadest feasible cross section of the population of the area served by the court, that all qualified citizens have the opportunity in accordance with this chapter to be considered for jury […]

14 §1202-A. Prohibition of discrimination

§1202-A. Prohibition of discrimination A citizen may not be excluded from jury service in this State on account of actual or perceived race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic status, marital status, physical disability, religion, ancestry or national origin or familial status, except as provided in this chapter.   [PL 2021, c. 553, §13 […]

14 §1203-A. Definitions

§1203-A. Definitions As used in this section, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.   [PL 1981, c. 705, Pt. G, §3 (NEW).] 1.  Clerk.  “Clerk” means the Clerk of Court of the Superior Court and includes any of his assistants.   [PL 1983, c. 202, §1 (AMD).] 2.  Court.  […]

14 §1204. Civil juries

§1204. Civil juries 1.  Number of members.  The court shall seat a jury of either 8 or 9 members, and all jurors shall participate in the verdict unless excused for good cause by the court. Unless the parties otherwise stipulate, the verdict must be decided by the unanimous votes of at least 2/3 of the […]

14 §1205. Supernumeraries, transfers and excuses

§1205. Supernumeraries, transfers and excuses Supernumerary jurors may be excused from time to time until wanted, and they may be placed on either jury as occasion requires. Jurors may be transferred from one jury to the other when convenience requires it. For good reason any juror may be excused.  

14 §1206. Juror’s oath

§1206. Juror’s oath The following shall be the form of oath, administered to traverse jurors in civil causes:   “You, and each of you, swear that in all causes committed to you, you will give a true verdict therein according to the law and the evidence given you. So help you God.”   [PL 1977, […]

14 §1208. Talesman, returned

§1208. Talesman, returned When, by reason of challenge or other cause, a sufficient number of jurors duly drawn and summoned cannot be obtained for the trial of a cause, the court shall cause jurors to be returned from the bystanders or from the county at large to complete the panel if they are on the […]

14 §1209. New jurors summoned during term

§1209. New jurors summoned during term The court may, in term time, issue venires for as many jurors as are wanted, to be drawn, notified and returned forthwith or on a day appointed. When in any county the business requires a protracted session, the court may, during the term, excuse all or any of the […]

14 §1210. Payment of taxes as disqualification

§1210. Payment of taxes as disqualification In prosecutions for recovery of money or other forfeiture, it is not a cause of challenge to a juror that he is liable to pay taxes in a county, town or plantation which may be benefited by the recovery.