§2801. Trustee’s articles delivered to officer for sale When a person summoned as trustee is bound to deliver to the principal defendant any specific articles, he shall deliver them or so much thereof as may be necessary, to the officer holding the execution. They shall be sold by the officer and the proceeds applied and […]
§2802. Remedy where trustee refuses to deliver If the trustee neglects or refuses to deliver them, or sufficient to satisfy the execution, the judgment creditor has his remedy on motion as provided in sections 2951 to 2955 and section 3001; and the debtor has his remedy for an overplus belonging to him as at common […]
§2803. Disposal of proceeds The officer, having sold on execution any personal property delivered to him by virtue of this chapter, after deducting the fees and charges of sale, shall pay to the plaintiff the sum by him paid or tendered to the trustee or applied in the performance of such contract or condition or […]
§2804. Trustee may sell mortgaged property Nothing contained in this chapter shall prevent the trustee from selling the goods in his hands for the payment of the sum for which they were mortgaged, pledged or otherwise liable, at any time before the amount due to him is paid or tendered, if the sale would have […]