§3261. Agreement for Federal Administration 1. The department shall enter into an agreement with the Secretary of the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare or its successors, under which the secretary, through the Social Security Administration, on behalf of the State of Maine, shall administer the program of state supplemental income benefits authorized […]
§3262. Applying for benefits An individual who is a resident of the State of Maine and who applies to the Social Security Administration for supplemental security income benefits pursuant to Title XVI of the Social Security Act shall be deemed to be applying for state supplemental income benefits provided pursuant to this Part and for […]
§3263. Hearings and review Regarding state supplemental income benefits administered by the secretary, any individual who is or claims to be an eligible individual or eligible spouse pursuant to this Part and is in disagreement with any determination concerning this Part by the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare shall be provided a […]
§3264. Fiscal procedures There shall be advanced with the authorization of the department, from the State Treasury to the secretary, prior to the first day of each month, an amount equal to the secretary’s estimate of state supplemental benefits authorized pursuant to this Part for such month corrected for any adjustments resulting from benefits relating […]
§3265. Confidentiality Information concerning an applicant or beneficiary under this Part shall be held in strict confidence. The department and secretary shall disclose or use such information only for purposes directly relating to administration of this Part. [PL 1973, c. 790, §3 (NEW).] SECTION HISTORY PL 1973, c. 790, §3 (NEW).
§3266. Acceptance of federal provisions All provisions of the United States Social Security Act, Title XVI, Sections 1611, 1612, 1613, 1614 and 1615, as amended, relating to determination of benefits and Sections 1631, 1632 and 1633, as amended, relating to procedural and general provisions are accepted and are deemed to apply to the program of […]