§3271. Program 1. A program of regular monthly state supplemental income for blind, disabled and elderly people shall be provided for residents of the State of Maine. Benefits under the state supplemental income program shall be based on need and provided in supplementation of benefits provided by the United States Government to aged, blind and […]
§3272. Standard 1. Standard. The standard utilized to determine need shall be the current annual budget at the lower level of living for a retired couple as most recently determined by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for Portland, Maine, or budgets which are consistent with such a budget at the […]
§3273. Types of benefits 1. Combined benefits. The department shall take action, as necessary, to assure that, within the limits of available funds, a state supplemental income benefit, when combined with a federal supplemental security income benefit, shall consist of such amounts that the sum shall: A. Increase the minimum monthly federal payment standard, […]
§3274-A. Personal needs of nursing home residents In administering this chapter, the department shall ensure that eligible individuals residing in nursing homes, as defined in section 1812‑A, shall have at least $30 a month for personal needs. [PL 1979, c. 563, §4 (NEW).] SECTION HISTORY PL 1979, c. 563, §4 (NEW).
§3274. Mandatory payments 1. Amount of payment. The department shall provide so-called “mandatory” state supplemental income payments to beneficiaries of the supplemental security income program who receive payments under the state’s former aid to the aged, blind and disabled program based on eligibility established for the month of December, 1973. A so-called “mandatory” state […]