§3351-A. Moratorium restoration requirement If a municipality issues a permit to open a street within 5 years after that street or highway was paved or substantially repaired, the municipality may require the permittee to relay the full width of the road surface on both sides of the cut for a distance of 20 feet from […]
§3351. Notice to owners to connect Prior to paving or substantially repairing any street or public highway, the road commissioner, the commissioner of public works or such officer as the municipal officers may appoint in the absence of a commissioner shall duly serve upon owners of property abutting on a street or highway and upon […]
§3352. Emergency permits If the owners, corporations, persons, firms or bridge or water districts comply with the notice given under section 3351, the road commissioner, the commissioner of public works or such officer as the municipal officers may appoint in the absence of a commissioner may, in the case of an emergency, grant and renew […]
§3353. Penalties Any person or persons, firm, corporation or bridge or water district, who shall dig or make an excavation in the driveway of any public highway without first obtaining such permit as provided for in section 3352 or who having obtained such permit shall disturb a greater area of surface than specified in such […]
§3354. Record of permits kept; fees The road commissioner, the commissioner of public works or such officer as the municipal officers may appoint in the absence of a commissioner shall keep a record of all permits granted by that person, work done by the municipal employees excepted. The applicant shall pay to the municipal treasurer […]
§3355. Size of opening; filling; protection It is unlawful for any person or persons, firm, corporation or bridge or water district, having the right of opening or making excavations within the driveways of public highways in the municipality, to leave open at any time any trench or excavation of a greater length than 200 feet, […]
§3356. Skill required If the work or any part of the work mentioned in sections 3351 to 3355 of repairing or filling the trenches or excavations is unskillfully or improperly done, the road commissioner, the commissioner of public works or such officer as the municipal officers may appoint in the absence of a commissioner may […]
§3357. Relaying of pavement When any excavation is made in any paved public highway and the trench has been filled as required by sections 3355 and 3356, the municipality shall relay the pavement or enter into an agreement for relaying of the pavement by the permittee. If the municipality relays the pavement, the cost of […]
§3358. Filing map of location The party applying for a permit for an excavation under sections 3351 to 3358 must file a map or sketch with the road commissioner, the commissioner of public works or such officer as the municipal officers may appoint in the absence of a commissioner, showing the location and size of […]
§3359. Minimum excavation for pavement on a concrete base Unless otherwise required in a municipal ordinance or regulation, when any excavation is made in any paved public highway and the pavement is laid on a concrete base, the excavation must have the pavement and concrete cut back on each side of the excavation ditch a […]
§3360-A. Protection of underground facilities 1. Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms shall have the following meanings. A. “Business day” means any day other than Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday. [PL 1979, c. 362, §2 (NEW).] A-1. “Borrow pit” has the same meaning as […]
§3360. Notice to public utilities (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1971, c. 284 (NEW). PL 1979, c. 362, §1 (RP).