§371. Statement of policy The Legislature, in recognizing the importance of Maine’s cultural heritage of the distant past to our understanding of Maine’s people, declares that it is the policy of this State to preserve and protect archaeological sites for proper excavation and interpretation. [PL 1981, c. 55, §2 (NEW).] It is in the […]
§372. Legislative intent 1. Transference of custody. The several departments of the State are authorized to transfer any archaeological objects, materials or specimens in their possession to the custody and trusteeship of the State Museum. [PL 1989, c. 700, Pt. A, §111 (AMD).] 2. Museum responsibility. The State designates the State Museum to hold […]
§373-A. Definitions As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings. [PL 1981, c. 55, §5 (NEW).] 1. Artifact. “Artifact” means a physical entity which has been worked or modified by human action. [PL 1981, c. 55, §5 (NEW).] 2. Authorized representative. “Authorized representative” means […]
§373. Definitions (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1969, c. 398 (NEW). PL 1981, c. 55, §4 (RP).
§374. Legislative provisions 1. Purpose. The people of this State benefit only when a protected site is systematically excavated, analyzed and interpreted by a qualified principal investigator. [PL 2013, c. 89, §4 (AMD).] 2. Permit procedure. The procedure for obtaining a permit to excavate a protected site is as follows. A. Any person, […]
§375. Unlawful excavation 1. Definition of unlawful excavation. “Unlawful excavation” means unauthorized excavation at a protected site, unless: A. A demonstrable emergency situation existed relating to the survival of the protected site; and [PL 2013, c. 89, §5 (AMD).] B. An excavation permit is immediately applied for in accordance with section 374. […]
§376. Antiquities recovered from protected sites 1. State-owned artifacts to remain in Maine. No artifacts, objects, specimens or materials originating from a protected site on state-controlled land may be authorized to leave the State permanently without written permission of the permittors. They may be loaned for a term specified by the permittors for proper study […]
§377. Protection of site location information In order to protect the site or protected site from unlawful excavation or harm, any information in the possession of the Maine Historic Preservation Commission, the State Museum, the Bureau of Parks and Lands, other state agencies or the University of Maine System about the location or other attributes […]
§378. Emergency designation as protected site In the case of an area containing archaeological materials or artifacts that is directly threatened with unauthorized excavation, the Director of the Maine Historic Preservation Commission, with the written permission of the landowner, may designate the area as a protected site that is subject to this chapter for a […]