§141. Policy and purpose — Article I Because the desire for the services provided by libraries transcends governmental boundaries and can most effectively be satisfied by giving such services to communities and people regardless of jurisdictional lines, it is the policy of the states party to this compact to cooperate and share their responsibilities; to […]
§142. Definitions — Article II As used in this compact: “Public library agency” means any unit or agency of local or State Government operating or having power to operate a library. “Private library agency” means any non-governmental entity which operates or assumes a legal obligation to operate a library. “Library agreement” means […]
§143. Interstate library districts — Article III 1. Interstate library districts. Any one or more public library agencies in a party state in cooperation with any public library agency or agencies in one or more other party states may establish and maintain an interstate library district. Subject to this compact and any other laws of […]
§144. — governing board — Article IV 1. Governing board. An interstate library district which establishes, maintains or operates any facilities or services in its own right shall have a governing board which shall direct the affairs of the district and act for it in all matters relating to its business. Each participating public library […]
§145. State library agency cooperation — Article V Any 2 or more state library agencies of 2 or more of the party states may undertake and conduct joint or cooperative library programs, render joint or cooperative library services, and enter into and perform arrangements for the cooperative or joint acquisition, use, housing and disposition of […]
§146. Library agreements — Article VI 1. Library agreements. In order to provide for any joint or cooperative undertaking pursuant to this compact, public and private library agencies may enter into library agreements. Any agreement executed pursuant to the provisions of this compact shall, as among the parties to the agreement: A. Detail the […]
§147. Approval of library agreements — Article VII 1. Approval of attorney general. Every library agreement made pursuant to this compact shall, prior to and as a condition precedent to its entry into force, be submitted to the attorney general of each state in which a public library agency party thereto is situated, who shall […]
§148. Other laws applicable — Article VIII Nothing in this compact or in any library agreement shall be construed to supersede, alter or otherwise impair any obligation imposed on any library by otherwise applicable law, nor to authorize the transfer or disposition of any property held in trust by a library agency in a manner […]
§149. Appropriations and aid — Article IX 1. Funds. Any public library agency party to a library agreement may appropriate funds to the interstate library district established thereby in the same manner and to the same extent as to a library wholly maintained by it and, subject to the laws of the state in which […]
§150. Compact administrator — Article X Each state shall designate a compact administrator with whom copies of all library agreements to which his state or any public library agency thereof is party shall be filed. The administrator shall have such other powers as may be conferred upon him by the laws of his state and […]
§151. Entry into force and withdrawal — Article XI 1. Force and effect. This compact shall enter into force and effect immediately upon its enactment into law by any 2 states. Thereafter, it shall enter into force and effect as to any other state upon the enactment thereof by such state. 2. Withdrawal. This […]
§152. Construction and severability — Article XII This compact shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purposes thereof. The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any party state or of the United […]