§4751. Purpose The State is experiencing severe shortages of affordable housing in various parts of the State. The affordable housing shortage is also contributing to an increasing class of working poor people and creating severe hardships for a significant number of the State’s citizens. Municipalities feel the impact of the affordable housing shortage and find […]
§4752. Housing component of comprehensive plans Any comprehensive plan developed under chapter 187, subchapter II, shall provide for the development of affordable housing for low-income and moderate-income households. A municipality may cooperate with neighboring municipalities to develop a regional comprehensive plan in lieu of a municipal plan. Any comprehensive plan developed under chapter 187, subchapter […]
§4753. Coordination of resources and programs The Maine State Housing Authority, municipal housing authorities, municipalities and the Department of Economic and Community Development shall cooperate in the coordination of resources and programs and the development of housing for low-income and moderate-income households. [PL 1989, c. 48, §§3, 31 (NEW).] 1. Matching of resources. The […]
§4754-A. First option to purchase surplus lands All state agencies shall offer the Maine State Housing Authority the opportunity to purchase or otherwise acquire any land and improvements on the land or any structures determined to be surplus before the property may be offered for sale or transfer to any other state agency, community or […]
§4754. Purchase and acquire property; construct housing The Maine State Housing Authority or any municipal housing authority may purchase or acquire property to preserve or provide affordable housing to low-income and moderate-income people and provide for the management and maintenance of this property. [PL 1989, c. 48, §§3, 31 (NEW).] 1. Construction. The Maine […]
§4755. Provide property The Maine State Housing Authority may provide surplus state property below market value pursuant to this subchapter and Title 5, section 1742, subsection 23 to any person, firm or organization that agrees to construct, reconstruct or rehabilitate affordable housing for low-income and moderate-income households and maintain this property for this purpose in […]
§4756. Rules The Maine State Housing Authority shall adopt rules in accordance with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act, Title 5, chapter 375, to implement this subchapter, including eligibility standards for financing under this subchapter. [PL 1989, c. 48, §§3, 31 (NEW).] SECTION HISTORY PL 1989, c. 48, §§3,31 (NEW).