§5701. Debt liability The personal property of the residents and the real estate within the boundaries of a municipality, village corporation or other quasi-municipal corporation may be taken to pay any debt due from the body corporate. The owner of property taken under this section may recover from the municipality or quasi-municipal corporation under Title […]
§5702. Limitation No municipality may incur debt which would cause its total debt outstanding at any time, exclusive of debt incurred for school purposes, for storm or sanitary sewer purposes, for energy facility purposes or for municipal airport purposes to exceed 7 1/2% of its last full state valuation, or any lower percentage or amount […]
§5703. Exclusion 1. Limitations on municipal debt. The limitations on municipal debt in section 5702 shall not be construed as applying to any funds received in trust by any municipality, any loan which has been funded or refunded, notes issued in anticipation of federal or state aid or revenue sharing money, tax anticipation loans, notes […]
§5704. Reporting by special districts Each special district in the State, whether or not its boundaries are coterminous with the boundaries of a municipality, including districts established for the purposes of providing water, sewer, electric, educational, health, transportation, solid waste management, parking or recreation services, or any other public purpose, shall file an annual report […]
§5705. Refinancing of the United States Farmers Home Administration loans For the period beginning January 1, 1988, and ending December 31, 1989, the municipal officers of any municipality or plantation may refinance any debt owed to the United States Farmers Home Administration without the approval of the municipality’s or plantation’s legislative body as long as […]