§1031. Partner agent of partnership 1. Partner as agent. Each partner is an agent of the partnership for the purpose of its business. An act of a partner, including the execution of an instrument in the partnership name, for apparently carrying on in the ordinary course the partnership business or business of the kind carried […]
§1032. Transfer of partnership property 1. Transfer of partnership property. Partnership property may be transferred as follows. A. Partnership property held in the name of the partnership may be transferred by an instrument of transfer executed by a partner in the partnership name. [PL 2005, c. 543, Pt. A, §2 (NEW).] B. Partnership […]
§1033. Partnership liable for partner’s actionable conduct 1. Partnership liable for loss, injury or penalty. A partnership is liable for loss or injury caused to a person, or for a penalty incurred, as a result of a wrongful act or omission, or other actionable conduct, of a partner acting in the ordinary course of business […]
§1034. Partner’s liability 1. Jointly and severally liable. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 2 and 3, all partners are liable jointly and severally for all obligations of the partnership unless otherwise agreed by the claimant or provided by law. [PL 2005, c. 543, Pt. A, §2 (NEW).] 2. Not personally liable for obligation […]
§1035. Actions by and against partnership and partners 1. Sue and be sued. A partnership may sue and be sued in the name of the partnership. [PL 2005, c. 543, Pt. A, §2 (NEW).] 2. Action against partnership and partners. An action may be brought against the partnership and, to the extent not inconsistent […]
§1036. Liability of purported partner 1. Liability of purported partner. If a person, by words or conduct, purports to be a partner, or consents to being represented by another as a partner, in a partnership or with one or more persons not partners, the purported partner is liable to a person to whom the representation […]