§111. Definitions As used in this Title, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings. [PL 1981, c. 698, §174 (AMD).] 1. Assessor. “Assessor” means the State Tax Assessor, except that, in Part 2, Property Taxes, it means the State Tax Assessor with respect to the unorganized territory and the […]
§112-A. Agreements for transfer from another state agency of debt for collection 1. Generally. Any agency of the State may transfer to the bureau solely for the purposes of collection any fee, fine, penalty or other debt owed to the State provided for by law if the debt is final without further right of administrative […]
§112. State Tax Assessor 1. General powers and duties. The assessor shall administer and enforce the tax laws enacted under this Title and under Title 29‑A, and may adopt rules and require such information to be reported as necessary. The assessor may investigate, enforce and prosecute activities defined as crimes in this Title and in […]
§113. Audit and collection expenses 1. Contract audit and collection programs. The State Controller may transfer from the General Fund and the Highway Fund amounts authorized by the State Tax Assessor equal to the expenses of those contract audit and collection programs for which the fees are contingent on the amount collected. These amounts transferred […]
§114. Internal services provided by the bureau 1. Internal Services Fund account established. The bureau shall establish, through the Office of the State Controller, the Bureau of Revenue Services Fund, Internal Services Fund account. The funds deposited in this account include, but are not limited to, appropriations transferred to the account, funds transferred to the […]
§115. Payment by credit card The State Tax Assessor may establish procedures permitting payment of taxes by the use of credit cards. The assessor may contract with one or more entities for the purpose of enabling the assessor to accept and process credit card transactions only if under any such contract the State does not […]
§135. Record-keeping requirements 1. Taxpayers. Persons subject to tax under this Title shall maintain such records as the State Tax Assessor determines necessary for the reasonable administration of this Title. Records pertaining to taxes imposed by chapters 371, 575 and 577 and by Part 8 must be retained as long as is required by applicable […]
§141. Assessment 1. General provisions. Except as otherwise provided by this Title, an amount of tax that a person declares on a return filed with the State Tax Assessor to be due to the State is deemed to be assessed at the time the return is filed and is payable on or before the date […]
§142. Cancellation and abatement The State Tax Assessor may, within 3 years from the date of assessment or whenever a written request has been submitted by a taxpayer within 3 years of the date of assessment, cancel any tax that has been levied illegally. In addition, if justice requires, the assessor may, with the approval […]
§143. Compromise of tax liability The State Tax Assessor may compromise a tax liability arising under this Title upon the grounds of doubt as to liability or doubt as to collectibility, or both. Upon acceptance by the assessor of an offer in compromise, the liability of the taxpayer in question is conclusively settled and neither […]
§144. Application for refund 1. Generally. A taxpayer may request a credit or refund of any tax that is imposed by this Title or administered by the State Tax Assessor within 3 years from the date the return was filed or 3 years from the date the tax was paid, whichever period expires later. Every […]
§145. Declaration of jeopardy If the State Tax Assessor determines that the collection of any tax will be jeopardized by delay, the assessor, upon giving notice of this determination to the person liable for the tax by personal service or certified mail, may demand an immediate return with respect to any period or immediate payment […]
§151-A. Additional safeguards 1. Recording of interviews. The State Tax Assessor, upon advance request, shall allow a taxpayer to make an audio recording of any in-person interview concerning the determination and collection of any tax. The recording must be made at the taxpayer’s own expense and with that person’s own equipment. The State Tax […]
§151-B. Independent Appeals Office (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 2011, c. 439, §3 (NEW). PL 2011, c. 439, §12 (AFF). PL 2011, c. 694, §4 (RP).
§151-C. Taxpayer advocate 1. Appointment. The Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services shall hire the taxpayer advocate as an employee of the bureau. The taxpayer advocate need not be an attorney. [PL 2011, c. 694, §5 (AMD).] 2. Duties and responsibilities. The duties and responsibilities of the taxpayer advocate are to: A. Assist […]
§151-D. Maine Board of Tax Appeals 1. Board established. The Maine Board of Tax Appeals, established in Title 5, section 12004‑B, subsection 10, is established as an independent board within the Department of Administrative and Financial Services and is not subject to the supervision or control of the bureau. The purpose of the board is […]
§151. Review of decisions of State Tax Assessor 1. Petition for reconsideration. A person who is subject to an assessment by the State Tax Assessor or entitled by law to receive notice of a determination of the assessor and who is aggrieved as a result of that action may request in writing, within 60 days […]
§152. Payment of contested taxes A taxpayer may pay any tax, make any deposit or file any bond at any time without forfeiting any right to apply for a refund or an abatement or to seek review of the validity of the tax. No such tax, bond or deposit need be paid, filed or made […]
§153. Time of filing or paying 1. Mail. If any document or payment required or permitted by this Title to be filed or paid is transmitted by the United States Postal Service to the person with whom or to whom the filing or payment is to be made, the date of the United States Postal […]
§171. Demand letter 1. Taxes imposed by this Title. If any tax imposed by this Title is not paid on or before its due date and no further administrative or judicial review of the assessment is available under section 151, the assessor, within 3 years after administrative and judicial review have been exhausted, may give […]