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Home » US Law » 2022 Maine Revised Statutes » TITLE 36: TAXATION » Part 2: PROPERTY TAXES » Chapter 105: CITIES AND TOWNS » Subchapter 4-B: MAINE RESIDENT HOMESTEAD PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION

36 §681. Definitions

§681. Definitions As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.   [PL 1997, c. 643, Pt. HHH, §3 (NEW); PL 1997, c. 643, Pt. HHH, §10 (AFF).] 1.  Applicant.  “Applicant” means an individual who has applied for a homestead property tax exemption pursuant to this subchapter. […]

36 §682. Permanent residency; factual determination by assessor

§682. Permanent residency; factual determination by assessor The assessor shall determine whether an applicant has a permanent residence in this State. In making a determination as to the intent of an individual to establish a permanent residence in this State, the assessor may consider the following:   [PL 1997, c. 643, Pt. HHH, §3 (NEW); […]

36 §683. Exemption of homesteads

§683. Exemption of homesteads 1.  Exemption amount.  Except for assessments for special benefits, the just value of $10,000 of the homestead of a permanent resident of this State who has owned a homestead in this State for the preceding 12 months is exempt from taxation. Notwithstanding this subsection, a permanent resident of this State who […]

36 §684. Forms; application

§684. Forms; application 1.  Generally.  The bureau shall furnish to the assessor of each municipality a sufficient number of printed forms to be filed by applicants for an exemption under this subchapter and shall determine the content of the forms. A municipality shall provide to its inhabitants reasonable notice of the availability of application forms. […]

36 §685. Duty of assessor; reimbursement by State

§685. Duty of assessor; reimbursement by State 1.  Examination and identification.  The assessor shall examine each application for homestead exemption that is timely filed with the assessor, determine whether the property is entitled to an exemption under this subchapter and identify the exemption in the municipal valuation.   [PL 1997, c. 643, Pt. HHH, §3 […]

36 §686. Denial of homestead exemption; appeals

§686. Denial of homestead exemption; appeals If the assessor determines that a property is not entitled to a homestead exemption under this subchapter, the assessor shall promptly provide a notice of denial, including the reasons for the denial, to the applicant by either personal delivery or regular mail. An applicant may appeal a denial of […]

36 §687. Supplemental assessment

§687. Supplemental assessment If the assessor notifies the bureau under section 686, or the bureau otherwise determines that a property improperly received an exemption under this subchapter for any of the 10 years immediately preceding the determination, the assessor shall supplementally assess the property for which the exemption was improperly received, plus costs and interest. […]

36 §688. Effect of determination of residence

§688. Effect of determination of residence A determination of permanent residence made for purposes of this subchapter is not binding on the bureau with respect to the administration of Part 8 and has no effect on determination of domicile for purposes of the Maine individual income tax.   [PL 1997, c. 643, Pt. HHH, §3 […]

36 §689. Audits; determinations of bureau

§689. Audits; determinations of bureau The bureau may audit the records of a municipality to ensure compliance with this subchapter. The bureau may independently review the records of a municipality to determine if homestead exemptions have been properly approved. If the bureau determines that a homestead exemption was improperly approved, the bureau shall ensure, either […]