§4901. Definitions As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings. [PL 2005, c. 396, §8 (NEW).] 1. Basic price. “Basic price” means the minimum Class I price of milk established pursuant to Title 7, chapter 603 including that part of the Class I price that […]
§4902. Milk handling fee 1. Fee. Upon notification by the Maine Milk Commission in accordance with Title 7, section 2954, subsection 16, the assessor shall levy and impose a fee at the rate established in subsection 2-A on the handling in this State of packaged milk for sale in this State. With respect to the […]
§4903. Credit or refund for fee paid for packaged milk 1. Credit or refund allowed. A handler or handler’s designee may claim a credit or refund for a fee paid pursuant to this chapter on packaged milk that is subsequently exported from this State by a customer of the handler or the handler’s designee for […]