§6591. 2009 Tax Receivables Reduction Initiative established There is established the 2009 Tax Receivables Reduction Initiative, referred to in this chapter as “the initiative.” The initiative is intended to encourage delinquent taxpayers to pay existing tax obligations. The goal of the initiative is to raise revenue during fiscal year 2009-10 and to reduce the increasing […]
§6592. Administration The State Tax Assessor shall administer the initiative. The initiative applies to tax liabilities that are assessed as of September 1, 2009. A taxpayer may participate in the initiative without regard to whether the amount due is subject to a pending administrative or judicial proceeding. Participation in the initiative is conditioned upon the […]
§6593. Undisclosed liabilities This chapter may not be construed to prohibit the assessor from instituting civil or criminal proceedings against any taxpayer with respect to any amount of tax that is not paid with the 2009 tax initiative application described in section 6595 or on any other return filed with the assessor. [PL 2009, […]
§6594. Initiative period The time period during which a 2009 tax initiative application described in section 6595 may be filed is September 1, 2009 to November 30, 2009. [PL 2009, c. 213, Pt. PPP, §1 (NEW).] SECTION HISTORY PL 2009, c. 213, Pt. PPP, §1 (NEW).
§6595. Initiative application The assessor shall prepare and make available the 2009 tax initiative application. The application and associated guidelines prepared by the assessor, which govern participation in the initiative, are exempt from the Maine Administrative Procedure Act. The application requires the approval of the assessor and must include the amount of tax, interest and […]