§381. Fresh pursuit Except as provided in this section, no component of the state military forces, except the National Guard when called to federal service, may leave the State and no military organization of another state, unless acting under authority of the United States, may enter the State, except by permission of the Governor or […]
§382. Registration of aliens during time of war Whenever a state of war exists or is imminent between the United States and a foreign country, the Governor may by proclamation direct every citizen or subject of that foreign country within this State to personally appear within 24 hours after the proclamation or within 24 hours […]
§383. Awards, medals and prizes The Governor may prescribe the award of medals, prizes, citations and other suitable means of public recognition for distinguished service, longevity, marksmanship, acts of valor, dependability, meritorious achievement and other qualities. The awards may be made to members of the state military forces or to individuals not members who have […]
§384. Flag to be carried The flag of the State to be carried by the National Guard shall be the same as the flag described in Title 1, section 206, with addition of a scroll in red below the coat of arms of the State bearing the inscription, “Maine National Guard.” [PL 1983, c. […]
§385. National Guard group life insurance The Adjutant General may enter into insurance agreements with insurance companies for group life insurance on behalf of each participating national guardsman called to state active duty and to pay from departmental funds the cost of each individual’s premium for that insurance. [PL 1983, c. 460, §3 (NEW).] […]
§386. National Guard Association 1. Commissioned officers. The commissioned officers of the National Guard may organize themselves into an association. The name of the association shall be the “National Guard Association of the State of Maine.” The association may adopt and amend a constitution and bylaws, not repugnant to law, orders or regulations. The association […]
§387. Stay of forcible entry and detainer during military service 1. General rule. Whenever any member of the National Guard or the Reserves of the United States Armed Forces is ordered to military duty in response to federal or state orders, a forcible entry and detainer action may not be made of the premises occupied […]
§388. Educational leave of absence Whenever any member of the National Guard or the Reserves of the United States Armed Forces is ordered to military duty in response to federal or state orders, the educational institution in which the member is enrolled shall grant the member a military leave of absence from the educational institution. […]
§389-A. Service members’ civil relief 1. Short title. This section may be known and cited as “the Maine Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act.” [PL 2005, c. 353, §6 (NEW).] 2. Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings. A. “Court” means any administrative agency, […]
§389. Stay of proceeding for military members (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 2001, c. 662, §40 (NEW). PL 2003, c. 404, §6 (RPR). PL 2005, c. 353, §5 (RP).
§390-A. Waiver of continuing education requirements; extension of license, certificate or registration 1. Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise indicates, “active duty for a period of more than 30 days” has the same meaning as in 10 United States Code, Section 101(d)(2). [PL 2005, c. 111, §3 (NEW).] 2. Waiver […]
§390-B. Reimbursement for purchase of supplemental life insurance A member of the National Guard or the Reserves of the United States Armed Forces assigned to a unit located in the State who serves in the theater of operations for Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation Iraqi Freedom during any month in the 2006 calendar year is […]
§390-C. Administration of oaths and notarial acts 1. Power to administer oaths. A commissioned or warrant officer of the state military forces and other personnel of the state military forces authorized to administer oaths under the laws of this State may administer oaths for the purpose of the administration of military justice and for other […]
§390. Deferred motor vehicle insurance coverage 1. Applicability. This section applies whenever any member of the National Guard or the Reserves of the United States Armed Forces is ordered to military duty in response to federal or state orders for 30 or more consecutive days. [PL 2001, c. 662, §40 (NEW).] 2. Deferral of […]