§840. Establishment of water levels 1. Power. The commissioner may on the commissioner’s own motion and shall, at the request of the owner, lessee or person in control of a dam, the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife or the Commissioner of Marine Resources, or upon receipt of petitions from the lesser of at least […]
§841. Maintenance of dams 1. Prohibition. After issuance of an order under section 840, subsection 5, establishing a water level regime for any body of water, no owner, lessee or person in control of any dam impounding the body of water, nor any subsequent transferee, may operate or maintain the dam or cause or permit […]
§842. Transition provision All orders of the State Soil and Water Conservation Commission or the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources issued under former Title 12, section 304 continue in effect and must be enforced by the commissioner until they expire or are rescinded or amended under this subarticle. [PL 1989, c. 890, […]
§843. Municipal authority The commissioner shall review an ordinance submitted pursuant to Title 30‑A, chapter 187, subchapter VI for consistency with this article. If the commissioner determines that the ordinance includes all substantive provisions of this article and includes all provisions required by Title 30‑A, chapter 187, subchapter VI, the commissioner shall approve that municipality […]
§844. Dam Repair and Reconstruction Fund (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1999, c. 782, §1 (NEW). PL 2001, c. 460, §6 (RP).