§951. Purpose The Legislature finds that the Saco, Ossipee and Little Ossipee Rivers are largely unspoiled by intensive or poorly planned commercial, industrial or residential development; that existing water quality on the inland portions of these rivers is extremely high; that these rivers and their associated wetlands constitute an important present and future source of […]
§952. Definitions As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms shall have the following meanings. [PL 1979, c. 459, §1 (NEW).] 1. Accepted road. “Accepted road” means a state, county or town road which is under the control of state, county or municipal authorities and maintained at public expense. […]
§953. Saco River Corridor established There is hereby created the Saco River Corridor, herein referred to as the “corridor,” which includes the Saco River from the landward side of the rock jetty in Saco Bay to the New Hampshire border; the Ossipee River from its confluence with the Saco River to the New Hampshire border; […]
§954-A. Officers and meetings The commission shall elect annually, from its own membership, a chair and secretary and such other officers as it deems necessary. Meetings must be held at the call of the chair or at the call of more than 1/2 of the membership. The meetings must be held no less frequently than […]
§954-B. Commission budget; financing and executive director The commission shall prepare a biennial budget and shall submit to the Legislature requests for appropriations sufficient to carry out its assigned tasks. The commission may accept contributions of any type from any source to assist it in carrying out its assigned tasks, and make such agreements in […]
§954-C. Rule-making powers 1. The commission shall have the power, after notice and public hearing, to adopt such rules and regulations governing its procedures as it deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter. The rules and regulations may cover but shall not be limited to: A. The form and content of […]
§954-D. Additional powers and duties 1. — additional. In order to implement this chapter, the commission may, in addition to the powers and duties otherwise authorized by this chapter: A. Adopt an official seal; [PL 1979, c. 459, §1 (NEW).] B. Compel attendance of witnesses and require production of evidence; [PL 1979, […]
§954. Creation of the Saco River Corridor Commission To carry out the purpose stated in section 951, the Saco River Corridor Commission, as established by Title 5, section 12004-G, subsection 13, shall hereafter in this chapter be called the “commission.” The commission is charged with implementing this chapter within the Saco River Corridor and shall […]
§955. Acquisition of property interests The commission may acquire conservation easements or other interest in real estate in the name of the State by gift, purchase, grant, bequest, devise or lease for any of its purposes and may convey administration thereof to any appropriate agency. [PL 1979, c. 459, §1 (NEW).] A conservation easement […]
§956. The comprehensive plan 1. Guide for boundaries. The comprehensive plan submitted to the 106th Legislature by the Saco River Environmental Advisory Committee must be used as a guide by the planning boards of the municipalities within the corridor in making recommendations for district boundaries and by the commission in establishing final boundaries. The comprehensive […]
§957-A. Resource Protection District 1. Areas to be included. The Resource Protection District shall include the following areas: A. Wetlands, swamps, marshes and bogs; [PL 1979, c. 459, §1 (NEW).] B. Areas where the entire width of the corridor on one or both sides of the river is within the 100-year floodplain; […]
§957-B. Limited Residential District 1. Areas to be included. The Limited Residential District shall include lands within the corridor which may be suitable for development, but which are not necessary for the growth of areas of intensive development. The Limited Residential District shall serve as the residuary district and shall include all areas within the […]
§957-C. General Development District 1. Areas to be included. The General Development District shall include those areas within the corridor which exhibit a clearly defined pattern of intensive residential, commercial or industrial development and such reserve growth areas as may be deemed necessary by the commission after considering whether or not: A. There is […]
§957-D. Omitted uses 1. Omitted uses. Uses not specifically mentioned or covered by any general category in the enumeration of permitted and prohibited uses for each district shall be deemed prohibited unless allowed by special permit upon a showing by the applicant that the soils are suitable for the proposed use and that it will […]
§957. Use districts and classifications 1. Classification. The land and water area within the Saco River Corridor shall be classified by the commission according to the following land and water use districts: A. Resource protection; [PL 1979, c. 459, §1 (NEW).] B. Limited residential; and [PL 1979, c. 459, §1 (NEW).] C. […]
§958. Existing uses Any existing building or structure or use of a building or structure lawful March 19, 1974, or on the date of any subsequent amendment of this chapter or of any regulation adopted hereunder, may continue although such a use of a structure does not conform to this chapter or the regulations adopted […]
§959-A. Requirements for granting permits 1. Permits. The commission shall grant permits for uses allowed under this chapter upon a showing by the applicant that the soils are suitable for the proposed use and that it will be in compliance with all applicable performance standards and requirements established under this chapter. The commission shall also […]
§959-B. Permits with conditions Permits granted under this chapter may be made subject to such reasonable conditions concerning setback, location, spacing, size of structure or development, type of construction, time of completion, landscaping, retention of trees, screening, reclamation, erosion control, noise level, quantity and quality of discharge, sewage disposal and manner and method of operation, […]
§959. Permits required Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, after March 19, 1974, a person may not engage in any use of land or water for which a permit is required under this chapter without first obtaining a permit from the commission and complying with all federal, state and municipal regulations. [PL 1995, […]
§960. District boundary maps Maps showing district boundaries within the Saco River Corridor shall be kept in the office of the commission and the maps or conformed copies of them shall be available for public inspection during normal business hours. Copies of those portions of such maps including the area of each municipality shall be […]