§4201. Definitions As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings. [PL 1997, c. 642, §2 (NEW).] 1. Animal feeding operation. “Animal feeding operation” means a lot or facility where animals are confined and fed for a total of at least 45 days in a 12-month […]
§4202. Duties of the commissioner The commissioner shall implement a program to promote responsible use of farm nutrients in accordance with this chapter. The commissioner has the powers and duties as set forth in this section. [PL 1997, c. 642, §2 (NEW).] 1. Nutrient management plans. In accordance with Title 5, chapter 375, the […]
§4203. Nutrient Management Review Board The Nutrient Management Review Board is established pursuant to Title 5, section 12004-D, subsection 5. [PL 1997, c. 642, §2 (NEW).] 1. Duties. The board’s duties are as follows: A. The board shall review and approve all proposed amendments to the original rules adopted in accordance with this […]
§4204. Nutrient management plan 1. Nutrient management plan required. A person who owns or operates a farm that meets the criteria established in subsection 2 shall have a nutrient management plan for that farm and shall implement the provisions in that plan by the dates specified for that category of farm in subsection 4, 5, […]
§4205. Livestock operations permit 1. Operations requiring a livestock operations permit. Beginning on January 1, 2000, a permit issued by the commissioner pursuant to subsection 2 is required for an animal feeding operation that meets one or more of the following criteria: A. The operation is a concentrated animal feeding operation as defined by […]
§4206. Rulemaking (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1997, c. 642, §2 (NEW). PL 1999, c. 530, §5 (RP).
§4207. Winter spreading of manure prohibited 1. Winter spreading prohibited. Except pursuant to a variance granted under subsection 2, a person may not spread manure on agricultural fields between December 1st of a calendar year and March 15th of the following calendar year. This prohibition includes the spreading of manure and spraying or irrigation of […]
§4208. Nutrient Management Fund There is established the nonlapsing Nutrient Management Fund. The commissioner may accept funds from any source designated to be placed in the fund. The commissioner may authorize expenses from the fund as necessary to carry out the purposes of this Part. [PL 1997, c. 642, §2 (NEW).] SECTION HISTORY PL […]
§4209. Penalties (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1997, c. 642, §2 (NEW). PL 1999, c. 530, §6 (AMD). PL 2003, c. 283, §4 (AMD). PL 2003, c. 452, §B29 (RP). PL 2003, c. 452, §X2 (AFF). PL 2003, c. 688, §A7 (RP). PL 2003, c. 688, §A8 (AFF).
§4210. Revocation of certification If the commissioner finds that a person certified to prepare nutrient management plans has failed to comply with section 4204, subsection 3, the commissioner may revoke that person’s certification in accordance with this section. [PL 1999, c. 530, §7 (NEW).] 1. Notice. The commissioner shall give written notice of a […]
§4211. Revocation of livestock operations permit If the commissioner finds that a person issued a livestock operations permit has failed to comply with the provisions of that permit, the commissioner may revoke that person’s permit. [PL 1999, c. 530, §7 (NEW).] 1. Notice. The commissioner shall give written notice of a revocation immediately following […]
§4212. Moratorium on swine feeding operation (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1999, c. 530, §7 (NEW). MRSA T. 7 §4212 (RP).
§4213. Annual report; Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (REPEALED) SECTION HISTORY PL 1999, c. 530, §7 (NEW). PL 2011, c. 657, Pt. W, §5 (REV). PL 2013, c. 29, §4 (RP).
§4214. Nutrient management plans for fish hatcheries 1. Nutrient management plan required for fish hatcheries. A person who owns or operates a fish hatchery, not including an off-shore marine aquaculture operation in estuarine or marine waters, must have and implement a nutrient management plan for the fish waste from the hatchery by the date specified […]