(a) In this title the following words have the meanings indicated. (b) “Business” means a commercial entity that provides locksmith services. (c) “Employee” means an individual employed by a licensed locksmith to provide locksmith services on behalf of the licensed locksmith. (d) “Fixed business address” means a single physical location where a licensee conducts business and at which the […]
The purpose of this title is to safeguard the life, health, and property of the residents of Maryland to promote their welfare by regulating persons that provide locksmith services.
The provisions of this title may not be construed to prohibit the following: (1) bona fide sales demonstrations to locksmiths or locksmith suppliers by sales representatives who are not licensed; (2) emergency opening services by members of police departments, fire departments, or other government agencies in their official line of duty in order to protect against loss […]
The Secretary may adopt and enforce regulations to carry out this title.
The Secretary shall pay all money collected under this title into the General Fund of the State.