(a) In this subtitle, “license” means a license issued by the Commission. (b) In this subtitle, “license” includes: (1) a license to participate as a boxer in a contest; (2) a license to participate as a professional kick boxer in a contest; (3) a license to participate as an amateur kick boxer in a contest; (4) a license to participate as […]
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, this subtitle does not apply to: (1) intercollegiate, interscholastic, or intramural boxing, kick boxing, or wrestling; (2) amateur boxing conducted under the supervision of a nationally recognized amateur organization; (3) martial arts where: (i) contact to the body is permitted in only a restrained manner; (ii) contact to the head is […]
(a) A person may not participate as a wrestler or contestant in a contest in the State unless the person has an appropriate license. (b) A person may not act as a manager, referee, judge, second, matchmaker, or promoter in a contest in the State unless the person has an appropriate license.
(a) A licensee shall be examined by a licensed physician who is chosen by the Commission and who specializes in neurology or neurosurgery prior to the licensee’s first appearance as a contestant in a kick boxing, boxing, or mixed martial arts contest following the issuance or renewal of a license. (b) The Commission shall pay the cost […]
(a) Each applicant for a license to participate as a contestant in a contest shall present documentary evidence, satisfactory to the Commission, that: (1) within the prior 30–day period, the applicant has been tested for the presence of: (i) antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); (ii) the antigen of virus hepatitis B; and (iii) antibodies to virus hepatitis C; […]
(a) An applicant for a license shall: (1) submit to the Commission an application on the form that the Commission provides; and (2) pay to the Commission an application fee of: (i) $10 for a license to participate as a wrestler or contestant in a contest or to act as a second in a contest; (ii) $15 for a license […]
(a) An applicant for a license to act as a promoter of a contest shall execute a surety bond to be given to the State for the benefit of each person who may be interested in the payment of the expenses incurred in connection with the contest. (b) The surety bond shall be: (1) in the amount of: […]
The Commission shall issue a license to each applicant who meets the requirements of this subtitle.
(a) A boxer license authorizes the licensee to participate as a boxer in a contest. (b) (1) A professional kick boxer license authorizes the licensee to participate as a professional kick boxer in a contest. (2) An amateur kick boxer license authorizes the licensee to participate as an amateur kick boxer in a contest. (c) A wrestler license authorizes the […]
A license expires on the first anniversary of its effective date.
(a) (1) Subject to the hearing provisions of § 4–311 of this subtitle, the Commission may deny a license to an applicant, reprimand a licensee, or suspend or revoke a license if the applicant or licensee: (i) fraudulently or deceptively obtains or attempts to obtain a license for the applicant or licensee or for another person; (ii) fraudulently or […]
(a) Except as otherwise provided in § 10-226 of the State Government Article, before the Commission takes any final action under § 4-310 of this subtitle, it shall give the person against whom the action is contemplated an opportunity for a hearing before the Commission. (b) The Commission shall give notice and hold the hearing in accordance […]
A party to a proceeding before the Commission who is aggrieved by a final decision of the Commission in a contested case, as defined in § 10-202 of the State Government Article, may take an appeal as allowed in §§ 10-222 and 10-223 of the State Government Article.
A person may hold a contest in the State only if it is authorized by the Commission and is in accordance with this subtitle.
(a) The Commission shall require an individual to be examined by a licensed physician who is chosen by the Commission and who specializes in neurology or neurosurgery before the individual may participate as a contestant in a contest in the State if: (1) the individual has participated as a contestant in more than 12 contests in or […]
(a) A contestant shall be allowed to enter the ring only if: (1) a physician approved by the Commission declares the contestant to be physically fit; and (2) the contestant has complied with § 4–304.1 of this subtitle. (b) (1) Each contestant in a contest shall submit to: (i) a chemical test of the urine or blood of the contestant to […]
A wrestler or contestant who participates in a fake contest: (1) for the first offense, shall be prohibited for a period of 6 months beginning immediately after the offense from participating in a contest that is held by a person licensed to act as a promoter of a contest; and (2) for the second offense, shall be […]
(a) To protect the general public, the promoter of a contest shall have the price of seats at the contest published in at least 2 newspapers of general circulation in the county in which the contest is held. (b) The advertisement shall be in a space that is at least 2 inches by 3 inches.
A promoter may not allow the sale or exchange of a ticket or complimentary ticket for an amount that exceeds the box office price.
A building or other structure that is used or intended to be used, wholly or partly, for a contest shall be ventilated properly and have fire exits and escapes in conformance with local law.