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Home » US Law » 2022 Maryland Statutes » Commercial Law » Title 11 - Trade Regulation » Subtitle 1 - Foreign Discriminatory Boycotts Act

Section 11-101 – Declaration of Policy; Administration of Subtitle; Construction

    It is the policy of the State of Maryland to oppose restraints of trade and unfair trade practices in the form of foreign discriminatory boycotts not specifically authorized by the law of the United States which are fostered or imposed by foreign persons, foreign governments or international organizations against any domestic individual on the basis […]

Section 11-102 – Definitions

    (a)    In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.     (b)    “Attorney General” means the Attorney General of the State of Maryland.     (c)    “Business relationship” means any aspect of business:         (1)    Dealing with the sale, purchase, licensing or provision of goods, services or information; or         (2)    Affecting the ownership, management, employees, hiring practices, customers, clients, suppliers, contractors, subcontractors or […]

Section 11-103 – Participation in Discriminatory Boycott Unlawful

    It is unlawful for a person to:     (a)    Knowingly participate in a discriminatory boycott; or     (b)    Knowingly aid or assist any other person in participating in a discriminatory boycott. However, nothing in this subtitle shall make it unlawful for any person who does not otherwise participate or agree to participate in a “discriminatory boycott” merely to handle […]

Section 11-104 – Responsibility to Report Violations

    If any violation or possible violation of this subtitle comes to the attention of any officer or any department, board, commission, bureau, division, office or other agency of the Executive Branch of the State government or of any political subdivision of the State, that officer or the chief administrative officer of the department, board, commission, […]

Section 11-105 – Production of Documents for Inspection by Attorney General

    Except for purposes of a criminal prosecution, if the Attorney General believes that a person is in possession, custody or control of any documents relevant to the subject matter of an investigation of a possible violation of this subtitle, he may demand and obtain the production of these documents in the manner provided for by […]

Section 11-106 – Assurance of Discontinuance of Prohibited Act

    (a)    In enforcing this subtitle, the Attorney General may accept an assurance of discontinuance of an act or practice considered in violation of this subtitle from any person engaged in the act or practice.     (b)    The assurance of discontinuance shall be in writing and filed with and subject to the approval of the court of the county […]

Section 11-107 – Criminal Proceedings

    (a)    The Attorney General shall investigate suspected criminal violations of this subtitle and may require assistance from any State’s Attorney for that purpose.     (b)    The Attorney General shall commence and try all prosecutions under this subtitle with the State’s Attorney for the county where the prosecution is brought.     (c)    With respect to the commencement and trial of the […]

Section 11-109 – Civil Actions

    (a)    (1)    The Attorney General shall institute proceedings in equity to prevent or restrain violations of § 11-103 of this subtitle and may require assistance from any State’s Attorney for that purpose.         (2)    In a proceeding under this section, the court shall determine whether a violation has been committed and enter any judgment or decree necessary to:             (i)    Remove […]

Section 11-111 – Penalties

    Any person who willfully violates any of the provisions of § 11-103 of this subtitle is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $50,000 or imprisonment not exceeding six months or both.

Section 11-112 – Contract Provision Declared Void

    Any provision of any contract or other document or other agreement which violates, or which, if observed by the person intended to be bound by the provision, would cause a violation of § 11-103 of this subtitle shall be null and void as being against the public policy of the State of Maryland.

Section 11-113 – Promulgation of Rules and Regulations

    The Attorney General may promulgate rules and regulations for the purpose of implementing and enforcing the provisions of this subtitle with respect to the persons subject to their respective jurisdictions and have the duty, and all powers necessary, to enforce any rules and regulations so promulgated.