(a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated. (b) “Container” means a liquefied petroleum gas container. (c) “Liquefied petroleum gas” means any material which is composed predominately of any of the following hydrocarbons or mixtures of them: (1) Propane; (2) Propylene; (3) Normal butane; (4) Isobutane; or (5) Butylenes. (d) “Mark” includes any name, initial, or other device. (e) “Marked container” means […]
This subtitle does not apply to any container which has a total capacity of five gallons or less.
Unless he is authorized by the owner in writing, a person other than the owner of a container may not: (1) Fill or refill a marked container with liquefied petroleum gas or any other gas or compound; (2) Buy, sell, offer for sale, give, take, loan, deliver, permit to be delivered, or otherwise use, dispose of, or […]
Unless taken with the written consent of the owner, each of the following actions by any person, other than the person whose mark is on the container, is presumptive evidence of a violation of this subtitle: (1) Use of a marked container; (2) Possession of a marked container; or (3) Purchase of a marked container for: (i) The sale […]
(a) If the owner of a marked container, his officer, or authorized agent who has personal knowledge of the facts makes oath in writing before any court of competent jurisdiction that he believes that a person has violated any provision of this subtitle with respect to the container, the court, if satisfied that there is reasonable […]
Any person who violates any provision of this subtitle is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $300 or imprisonment not exceeding 90 days or both.