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Home » US Law » 2022 Maryland Statutes » Commercial Law » Title 13 - Consumer Protection Act » Subtitle 3 - Unfair, Abusive, or Deceptive Trade Practices

Section 13-301 – Unfair, Abusive, or Deceptive Trade Practices Defined

    Unfair, abusive, or deceptive trade practices include any:         (1)    False, falsely disparaging, or misleading oral or written statement, visual description, or other representation of any kind which has the capacity, tendency, or effect of deceiving or misleading consumers;         (2)    Representation that:             (i)    Consumer goods, consumer realty, or consumer services have a sponsorship, approval, accessory, characteristic, ingredient, use, benefit, […]

Section 13-303 – Practices Generally Prohibited

    A person may not engage in any unfair, abusive, or deceptive trade practice, as defined in this subtitle or as further defined by the Division, in:         (1)    The sale, lease, rental, loan, or bailment of any consumer goods, consumer realty, or consumer services;         (2)    The offer for sale, lease, rental, loan, or bailment of consumer goods, consumer […]

Section 13-304 – Referral Sales

    A seller may not use any general referral sales technique, plan, arrangement, or agreement by which a buyer is induced to purchase merchandise, real property, or intangibles on the representation or promise of the seller that if the buyer furnishes to the seller the names of other prospective buyers of like or identical merchandise, real […]

Section 13-305 – Prizes Conditioned on Purchases or Sales Promotion

    (a)    This section does not apply to:         (1)    Trading stamps, as defined by § 13–101 of the Business Regulation Article;         (2)    State lottery tickets issued under the authority of Title 9, Subtitle 1 of the State Government Article;         (3)    Retail promotions, not involving the offer of gifts and prizes, which offer savings on consumer goods or services including “one–cent […]

Section 13-306 – Certificate When Gift or Other Inducement Not Available to Customer

    (a)    If a gift or other inducement offered to a customer in exchange for business is not available at the time the customer complies with the conditions attached to the offer, the offeror shall:         (1)    Give the customer a certificate which states in unequivocal language that:             (i)    The customer has complied with the conditions which entitle him to […]

Section 13-307 – Repair Company to Furnish Written Bill for Cost

    (a)    (1)    In this section the following terms have the meanings indicated.         (2)    (i)    “Home appliance” means any device the retail cost of which exceeds $100 and which is generally used in a private residence;             (ii)    “Home appliance” includes an air conditioner, washing machine, dishwasher, television set, stereo set, oil burner, and any similar item.         (3)    “Repair company” means any person […]

Section 13-308 – Electrical Consumer Products

    (a)    A person may not sell or distribute an electrical consumer product which is intended ultimately for the personal use of a consumer in or around a permanent or temporary household or residence, unless the product is clearly labeled, marked, or stamped with the symbol of an electrical testing laboratory which is certified by the State […]

Section 13-309 – Electrical Extension Cords

    (a)    An electrical extension cord which conducts electrical current in commercial or household use shall be labeled to designate the maximum number of amperes it may safely conduct.     (b)    Any manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, or retailer who sells or causes to be sold an electrical extension cord without a label as required by this section is guilty of […]

Section 13-310 – Reserved Seat Tickets

    (a)    This section does not apply to nonprofit organizations.     (b)    A person who sells reserved seat tickets for an athletic, recreational, cultural, or entertainment event shall display prominently at the ticket-sale location a seating plan which clearly shows the location of every reserved seat and every physical obstruction to the viewing of the event.

Section 13-310.1 – Sale of Speculative Tickets

    (a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.         (2)    (i)    “Resale” means the second or subsequent sale of a ticket.             (ii)    “Resale” includes a sale by any means, including in person, by telephone, by mail, by e–mail, by facsimile, or through a website or other electronic means.         (3)    “Reseller” means a person who offers a ticket for […]

Section 13-313 – Fire Resistant Insulating Material

    (a)    A person may not sell or distribute cellulose or foam insulating material which is intended ultimately for the installation in a permanent or temporary household or residence, unless the insulating material meets minimum standards of fire retardancy established by the State Fire Prevention Commission or the federal government.     (b)    The standards of fire retardancy shall be […]

Section 13-314 – Work-at-Home Advertisements

    A person who places any advertisement that represents that any person can earn money at home by stuffing or addressing envelopes, mailing circulars, clipping newspaper or magazine articles, or performing similar work:         (1)    Shall pay compensation to others for performing the represented tasks; and         (2)    May not require the person who will perform the represented tasks to […]

Section 13-316 – Mortgage Servicers

    (a)    (1)    In this section the following terms have the meanings indicated.         (2)    “Mortgage” includes a mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement, or other lien on 1 to 4 family residential real estate located in this State.         (3)    “Servicer” means a person responsible for collection and payment of principal, interest, escrow, and other moneys under an original mortgage.     (b)    Within […]

Section 13-318 – Use of Credit Card Information in Connection With Payment by Check

    (a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.         (2)    “Draft” does not include a credit or debit card sales draft.         (3)    “Drawer” means the individual who makes or signs a check or other draft.     (b)    Subject to the provisions of subsection (c) of this section, as a condition of accepting a check or other draft as […]