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Section 8-201 – Required

    Each circuit court shall have a written plan for jury selection and service in accordance with the requirements of this title.

Section 8-202 – Rules

    The Court of Appeals may adopt rules to govern the provisions and implementation of jury plans.

Section 8-203 – Changes

    (a)    (1)    A circuit court may propose to the Court of Appeals a change to the circuit court’s jury plan at any time, by filing the proposal with the Court of Appeals.         (2)    Within 60 days after a circuit court files a proposal under this subsection, the Court of Appeals shall approve or disapprove the proposal.         (3)    A proposal […]

Section 8-204 – Required Provisions — Jury Judge

    (a)    Each jury plan shall designate a jury judge.     (b)    The jury judge for a circuit court shall be:         (1)    The county administrative judge of the circuit court; or         (2)    Another of the circuit court judges whom the county administrative judge designates.

Section 8-205 – Required Provisions — Jury Commissioner

    (a)    Each jury plan shall designate a jury commissioner.     (b)    The jury commissioner for a circuit court shall be:         (1)    The clerk of the circuit court; or         (2)    Another individual designated in the manner set forth in the jury plan.     (c)    A jury plan may designate, or allow a jury judge to designate, an individual to serve as acting jury […]

Section 8-206 – Required Provisions — Source Pool

    (a)    Each jury plan shall provide for a source pool solely from which the names of prospective jurors are to be selected.     (b)    (1)    The source pool under the jury plan for a county shall include the names of all of the adults on:             (i)    A statewide voter registration list no older than that used in the most recent […]

Section 8-207 – Required Provisions — Prospective and Qualified Juror Pools

    (a)    Each jury plan shall set intervals for creation of a prospective juror pool and a qualified juror pool.     (b)    (1)    Each jury plan shall set a minimum number of names to be selected from the source pool as prospective jurors.         (2)    The minimum number shall be:             (i)    At least 150; and             (ii)    Except as provided in paragraph (3) of this […]

Section 8-212 – Authorized Provisions — Juror Qualification Forms

    The jury plan for a county may state any question, in addition to those required under § 8–302(a) of this title, to be included on the county’s juror qualification form, consistent with the interest of the sound administration of justice and not inconsistent with this title and other law.

Section 8-213 – Authorized Provisions — Agreements

    The jury plan of a circuit court may provide for an agreement between the circuit court and the Administrative Office of the Courts or a person, for the Administrative Office or person to:         (1)    Provide the circuit court with names selected in the number that the jury plan sets;         (2)    Have juror questionnaire forms sent as the […]

Section 8-215 – Authorized Provisions — Disqualification, Excusal, and Exemption of Prospective or Qualified Jurors and Rescheduling of Service

    The jury plan for a county may enable its jury commissioner, subject to criteria set forth in the jury plan and under the overall supervision of the county’s jury judge, to:         (1)    Disqualify prospective or qualified jurors for specific reasons stated in this title;         (2)    Excuse prospective or qualified jurors for specific reasons stated in this title; […]

Section 8-216 – Authorized Provisions — Frequency of Service

    A jury plan may provide that, notwithstanding the limit on frequency of trial jury service in § 8–310(c)(2) of this title, an individual who serves on a jury for fewer than 5 days in a 3–year period may be summoned for jury service after 1 year.