(a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated. (b) “Center” means the Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center. (c) (1) “Child welfare data” means data relating to a child’s experience with child protective services, family preservation services, and State–sponsored out–of–home services. (2) “Child welfare data” includes: (i) Out–of–home placement data, including: 1. Supervising jurisdiction; 2. Removal reason; 3. Characteristics at the time […]
(a) The State Department of Education, Maryland Higher Education Commission, University System of Maryland, Morgan State University, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, and Maryland Department of Labor jointly shall establish the Maryland Longitudinal Data System that shall be fully operational by December 31, 2014. (b) The Maryland Longitudinal Data System is a statewide data system that contains […]
(a) There is a Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center. (b) The Center is an independent unit within State government. (c) The organizational placement and location of the Center shall be determined by the Governing Board. (d) (1) The head of the Center is the Executive Director, who shall be appointed by the Governing Board. (2) The Center may employ the additional […]
(a) (1) The Center shall develop a clear and easy–to–understand graphic data dashboard that is published annually on the Center’s website with information, disaggregated by local school system, regarding: (i) The number of students who are dually enrolled under Title 18, Subtitle 14A of this article; and (ii) The number and course name of the courses in which a […]
(a) (1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated. (2) “Aggregated data” means de–identified data that is summarized by type of program of study or educational institution. (3) “Student information” means: (i) Student Social Security number; (ii) Program of study; (iii) Enrollment; and (iv) Name of educational institution. (4) “Tax information” means income tax records, wage information, and other data stored […]
(a) The Center shall develop a protocol that is fully aligned with the Center’s data sets and security standards for: (1) A county board to convert a student’s home address and geolocation information into census tract and block numbers; and (2) The Department to collect the census tract and block number information from a county board and provide […]
(a) There is a Governing Board of the Center. (b) The Governing Board shall include the following members: (1) The Secretary of Higher Education, or the Secretary’s designee; (2) The Chancellor of the University System of Maryland, or the Chancellor’s designee; (3) The President of Morgan State University, or the President’s designee; (4) The State Superintendent of Schools, or the Superintendent’s […]
(a) The Governing Board shall report to the Governor and, in accordance with § 2–1257 of the State Government Article, the General Assembly on or before December 15 of each year. (b) The report shall include: (1) An update on the implementation of the Maryland Longitudinal Data System and the Center’s activities; (2) A list of all studies performed […]
The Center shall adopt regulations to implement the provisions of this subtitle.
(a) Local education agencies, community colleges, public senior higher education institutions, the Department of Human Services, and other State agencies shall: (1) Make every effort to comply with the data requirements and implementation schedule for the Maryland Longitudinal Data System as set forth by the Governing Board; and (2) Transfer student data and workforce data to the Maryland […]