The Governor, for and in the name of the State of Maryland, shall join with other states in the interstate compact to conserve oil and gas, which was executed in Dallas, Texas, on February 16, 1935, and is now deposited with the Department of State of the United States, and which has been extended with […]
The Governor, for and in the name of the State, may execute agreements for the further extension of the expiration date of the compact and to determine if, and when, it is in the best interest of the State to withdraw from the compact, upon 60 days’ notice as provided by its terms. If the […]
The Governor is the official representative of the State on the Interstate Oil Compact Commission. The Governor shall exercise and perform for the State every power and duty as a member of the Commission. The Governor may appoint an assistant representative to act in the Governor’s stead as the official representative of the State as […]
Article I This agreement may become effective within any compacting state at any time as prescribed by that state, and shall become effective within those states ratifying it whenever any three of the states of Texas, Oklahoma, California, Kansas and New Mexico have ratified and Congress has given its consent. Any oil-producing state may become […]