In adopting this subtitle, the General Assembly intends to encourage courses or seminars that address the identification and elimination of health care services disparities of minority populations as part of: (1) Curriculum courses or seminars offered or required by institutions of higher education; (2) Continuing education requirements for health care providers; and (3) Continuing education programs offered by […]
(a) An institution of higher education in the State that includes in the curriculum courses necessary for the licensing of health care professionals in the State may include in the curriculum courses or offer special seminars that address the identification and elimination of health care services disparities of minority populations as reported in the findings of: […]
A hospital with a continuing education program may offer and require the hospital’s medical staff and health care practitioners to take a continuing medical education or continuing education unit course that addresses health care services disparities of minority populations.
(a) On or before December 1 of each year, each institution of higher education in the State that offers a program necessary for the licensing of health care professionals in the State shall report to the Governor and, in accordance with § 2–1257 of the State Government Article, the General Assembly on the actions taken by […]