(a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated. (b) “Distribute” includes: (1) Offering for sale; (2) Selling; (3) Bartering; and (4) Giving away. (c) “Exotic bird” means a bird that is not native to this State. (d) “Permit” means a permit issued by the Secretary to import, distribute, and breed exotic birds.
(a) A person shall hold a permit issued by the Secretary before the person may import, distribute, or breed any exotic bird in this State. (b) A permit is not required for a person: (1) Legally to acquire and keep an exotic bird as a household pet; or (2) To import, distribute, or breed any bird that is regulated […]
A permit expires on the July 1 after its effective date, unless it is renewed for a 1-year term.
Each permit shall be displayed conspicuously in the facility for which it is issued.
Each permit holder shall keep in a sanitary condition the facility for which the permit is issued.
(a) On a form approved by the Secretary, each permit holder shall keep a record of the following information for each exotic bird received or disposed of by the permit holder or an agent of the permit holder: (1) At the time of receipt: (i) The exotic bird’s species; (ii) The date of receipt and the number of exotic […]
(a) If a bird dies while in the possession of a permit holder, the permit holder shall freeze the bird immediately. (b) The Secretary of Health shall specify the methods for handling, treating, and destroying any bird that: (1) Dies while in the possession of a permit holder; or (2) In a case that involves psittacosis or any other […]
(a) The Secretary of Health or a representative of the Secretary of Health may inspect the facilities of any permit holder. (b) On request, any permit holder or the Secretary of Health shall make available to the State Secretary of Agriculture any record, specimen, or other material necessary to diagnose or trace any infectious disease that: (1) Occurs […]
Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle, a person may not import, distribute, or breed in this State any exotic bird, unless the person holds a permit issued by the Secretary.
A person who violates any provision of this subtitle or any rule, regulation, or order adopted or issued by the Secretary of Health or the State Secretary of Agriculture under this subtitle is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $1,000.