(a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated. (b) “Adult day care center” means a nonresidential center that: (1) Serves the elderly, medically handicapped adults, or victims of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders; (2) Meets the definition in § 14-201(b) or § 14-301(b) of this article; and (3) Is licensed by the Department. (c) “Facility” means an adult […]
Upon the recommendation of the Secretary, the Board of Public Works may make grants to counties, municipal corporations, and nonprofit organizations for: (1) The conversion of public buildings or parts of buildings to adult day care centers; (2) The acquisition of existing buildings or parts of buildings for use as adult day care centers; (3) The renovation of […]
(a) Any county, municipal corporation, or nonprofit organization sponsoring a project involving work specified in § 24–702 of this subtitle may apply to the Department for a State grant to be applied toward the cost of that project. (b) (1) The application shall be directed to the Secretary of Health. (2) On approval of a project and the project […]
(a) The allocation and use of State funds under this subtitle are subject to the following terms and conditions. (b) State funds may be used to acquire an existing building or part of a building for use as an adult day care center, or to plan, design, and construct an adult day care center, only if the […]
(a) The Board of Public Works shall make allocations from funds available under this subtitle in accordance with this subtitle. (b) The Board shall certify the allocations to the proper State officers, and the Treasurer shall make payments to or on behalf of the applicant, when needed, for the approved project. (c) The Board of Public Works may […]
(a) If, within 30 years after completion of a project, a property with respect to which funds have been paid under this subtitle is sold or transferred to any person, agency, or organization that would not qualify as an applicant under this subtitle, or that is not approved as a transferee by the Board of Public […]
The Department shall adopt regulations to implement the provisions of this subtitle.