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Home » US Law » 2022 Maryland Statutes » Health - General » Title 8 - Substance Use Disorders Law » Subtitle 5 - Alcohol and Drug Abuse -- Publicly Intoxicated Individuals, Court Ordered Evaluations, and Voluntary Treatment

Section 8-501 – Disposition of Publicly Intoxicated Individuals

    (a)    (1)    In cooperation with State and local police, the Administration may adopt regulations under which personnel other than the police are authorized to exercise the powers under this section whenever feasible so that the exercise of those powers by the police are reduced to a minimum.         (2)    The police and other authorized personnel who act under this […]

Section 8-502 – Admission to a Facility

    (a)    After a preliminary evaluation of an individual by the administrator or the designee of the administrator, the individual may be admitted to the facility if it is certified in writing that the individual:         (1)    Has acute symptoms of alcohol or drug intoxication or withdrawal; and         (2)    (i)    Appears to be in imminent danger of harming one’s self, or […]

Section 8-503 – Disposition of Arrested Individuals

    (a)    If, after the police arrest an intoxicated individual for a criminal offense, the individual seems to require emergency medical treatment, the police immediately shall take the individual to a detoxification center or other appropriate health care facility as defined in § 19–114(d) of this article.     (b)    (1)    If necessary, after medical treatment, the police shall transport the […]

Section 8-504 – Police Responsibility

    In carrying out §§ 8-501, 8-502, and 8-503 of this subtitle, the police or other authorized personnel shall make every reasonable effort to protect the health and safety of the intoxicated individual.

Section 8-505 – Evaluation of Criminal Defendants

    (a)    (1)    (i)    Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, before or during a criminal trial, before or after sentencing, or before or during a term of probation, the court may order the Department to evaluate a defendant to determine whether, by reason of drug or alcohol abuse, the defendant is in need of and may […]

Section 8-506 – Commitment for Evaluation

    (a)    Subject to the eligibility restrictions under § 8–505(a) of this subtitle, a court may commit a defendant to the Department for inpatient evaluation as to drug or alcohol abuse if:         (1)    The court finds it is not clinically appropriate for the defendant to be evaluated in a detention facility or an appropriate outpatient facility; and         (2)    After […]

Section 8-507 – Considerations and Findings Prior to Revocation of Probation

    (a)    (1)    Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection and subject to the limitations in this section, a court that finds in a criminal case or during a term of probation that a defendant has an alcohol or drug dependency may commit the defendant as a condition of release, after conviction, or at any other […]

Section 8-508 – Outpatient and Aftercare Treatment

    (a)    An individual may ask voluntarily for admission to an outpatient treatment program, whether or not the individual has been admitted to the program before.     (b)    After an individual asks for admission to an outpatient treatment program, the administrative head of the program shall determine whether the individual is to be admitted. However, the administrative head may […]